stuck hood


hmm... on my XJ, the hood latch is connected to the handle by a wire that runs ALONG THE HOOD ITSELF. on my old honda, i could reach up by the radiator and yank on the wire and it would release it. i'm stumped... what have you tried?

So far I haven't tried anything. Thinking of removing the grill to get to the latch.[addsig]

I think that even if you remove the grill the radiator and/or A/C condensor will be in the way. Mine used to stick a little and firmly pushing down on the hood would make it bounce up. Good luck.



Basically it's a pain in the royal ass! Mine got stuck a few months ago when I forgot to put the pull cable back on. The way the metal release rods go under the hood on the passenger side needs to be pulled on to release and the drivers side needs to be pushed in to release. I chopped out a small peice of the nose to get to the cable and used a coat hanger to pull on the wire rod. That released the pass side. Then I was able to lift the hood enough to get a 2' long screw driver in to push the drivers side release in. Then after about 2 hrs of that crap it released and opended. I had to use a small amount of fiberglass filler to fill my small hole in and spray it. I hope this helps but with locks in both corners there is no easy way :-( ............Bullet

edited by: Bullet3600, Mar 03, 2003 - 11:18 PM[addsig]


I was so peeved that I almost resorted to using the sawzall :-D .......Bullet[addsig]

I use to be a Remote Starter Installer, and had a number of problems with XJ hoods, If i remember correctly(and I'm thinking back a couple of years) there are two bear claw type latches on either side and what happens, is the cable streches out and either one or both latches won't release. I found that if you disconnect the cable from the handle inside vehicle and use a pair of visegrips to pull on the cable, you will release the latch. Unfortunatly this is only a temporary fix.[addsig]