Strange object in the Cherokee


New member
A buddy of mine just bought a used Jeep Cherokee. I believe it is a 1990. On the inside, on the ceiling, there is a strange black plastic bubble. It almost looks like a surveillance camera housing. Does anyone know what this is?

I thought it may be some sort of temperature sensor or something, but I don't know and am very curious.


It's Big Brother (AKA Mingez). He'll engage the automatic ignition kill if you do anything politically incorrect.

Ok seriously, Was the XJ a fleet vehicle? It may have been for a camera.
I had a buddy that had that in his 94. We tried to figure it out for about a week, he HAD to know, so he went back to the dealer and asked. They told him it was for the keyless entry.

I didn't think he had a keyless entry, but they probably just didn't give him the remote when he bought it. Thats probably what it is.

Thanks, that was bugging us a lot...haha

My 90 XJ had one too. I think they built it into every Laredo model regardless and if keyless was ordered, waa laa.

I decided to take mine down and enhance it with a nice peice of diamond plating. It would be fun to wire in a flashing light to turn on whenever and tell your kids it is a built in self destruct indicator and if they keep messing with the radio settings........boooom!!
yup.. keyless entry. No loss.. those infrared ones are useless.. they work for about 5 feet when they actually work, and are line of sight only. And forget it if you have tinted windows....

oh man, my roomate has been trying to figure that thing out on his '92 for so long. we really thought it was big brother.

hah...keyless entry....