Star Wars

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: First JEEP stitches!!!

i take it that it is good
bikini top for unlimited?

i went opening night at 12:20am with my brother. the movie theatre is on our way home from the rink after hockey, so we decided to stop in and take a look since the line wasnt long, got right in, no problem.

the movie definately gets two thumbs up. i can admit that i'm a dork when it comes to this, i love the original star wars trilogy. and this was the first movie of the new (or earlier) trilogy that lucas made that even holds a candle to the originals. i'd almost go out on a limb and say that its as good as, if not better than the originals. it just had everything. the effects were amazing, story was great, well worth the theatre experience.
1979 CJ 7

Finally, one of the new trilogy is worth a crap. I think where they went wrong in the first two is that they targeted children instead of the generation who grew up on Star Wars. Memo to Lucas: We are all now 30.

Marketing for toys I suppose.
mingez said:
I think where they went wrong in the first two is that they targeted children instead of the generation who grew up on Star Wars. Memo to Lucas: We are all now 30.
thats a good point.
I haven't seen any of the "new" ones yet. Now that they are all out, I'll buy the DVD box set when it comes out and enjoy them marathon style.

RE: 95 YJ for sale

i have yet to see the orgional 3 eposides... although in grade 7 i did have a friend convince a few of us to go see episode one.. it was her 4th time going and i think out of the 5 of us she was the only one having a really good time
RE: Re: RE: Star Wars

Aside from the very first Star Wars movie, I thought all of them sucked.....most especially those with Ewoks and that long-eared stupid looking cutesy thing.....totally stupid. But, seeing as how this one is supposed to be highly traumatic to children (so the news reports say) I may see it if it ever hits satellite....but I'm not spending any money to go see it in the theater. I generally avoid any movies that have that much hype, just as a matter of principal and experience. My experience tells me that the more hype a movie gets, the less I'm going to like it.
Re: RE: Fender Flare Remnents??

Junkpile said:
I haven't seen any of the "new" ones yet. Now that they are all out, I'll buy the DVD box set when it comes out and enjoy them marathon style.
while i cant say thats a bad idea at all, i hope you have a killer home theatre system, because these are the types of movies where the big screen and the sound system makes a world of difference.

hard top for 95 yj

My wife and I will wait for it to hit DVD, then get all of them (new and old) to watch in the correct order with our kids. I think that will be cool. We haven't seen any of the new ones and my kids haven't seen any of them yet. Glad to hear the new one is good.

Chewie is my dog's nickname 'cause she sounds like a wookie when you rub her belly :lol:
RE: XJ with a YJ front. You

Twisted that is funny. My mom's dog has the same name but beause she has the hair that resembles Chewbaka. lol My best friend can do a perfect chewbaka sound impression. It always made me laugh so hard.

Great movies, haven't seen the new one but will see it in the theater given a chance.

I just saw the new one last night and it blows away any of the previous ones. Even if you havent see or didnt like any of the other ones this one is great. But for those Star Wars fans it was amazing. I get see it ending now. There definitely needs to be more. 100% worth the $8.50 ticket price...see it on the big screen!