standard sound bar installation?


New member

Is it all that hard?
I just bought a 98 SE (which I will pick up tomorrow).
The current owners wired a sub-par speaker box in the trunk area. I will probably throw that out.

I'd like to add a speaker bar, but I don't really have any experience with car audio. Is it as simple as bolt, plug in and go?

The jeep has and Pioneer single cd player...I don't know if that affects the sound bar installation



Not hard at all, installing the sound bar that is. You might have to cut the roll bar padding a bit, I can't quit remember if it is pre-cut, but all of the holes are already there. (this is assuming you are getting a factory sound bar. I always advised against aftermarket to my custimers). The pioneer deck you have in the dash is a 4 channel deck, each channel being one speaker. with out an amplifier you can only run 4 speakers properly.
The bar should be plug and go, I have found the plug in three different spots on TJ's.
Behind the glove in the most common
at the bottom of the pass. roll bar
At thr top of the pass roll bar

Depending on how bad the previous owner hacked at the wires, Your best bet might be to run new wires from the rear of the deck.

The rear left will be
and rear right will be

Just make sure your connections are solid. Go pick up some "but-connector" pretty cheap at autozone. I would avoid using tape cause a jeep is a open vehicle and moisture could cause the tape to let go, the wire will ground out and your left with NO sound!

Good luck bro, It is not that hard. If you want to do a vissual invitor of what you got and post, I can give you a better Idea!


any idea where I can get the factory soundbar? Without buying from a dealership?

Is there a site that sells OEM parts? I know there is for my honda and prices are generally 30-40% cheaper than what the honda dealership sells.

Thanks for your reply!



you can go ebay, or with an aftermarket bar..try Quadratech, or any other Jeep or off road supplier...if it were me...I'd get a shell and talk to the Crutchfield people.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]