Sputtering and losing power while accelerating

I hace a 6 cylinder 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 140k miles on it. I've had it for 5+ years with no major issues and have kept up the maintenance pretty well.

Last month when out of town, my husband was driving my car and told me it felt like it "sputtering as if it were running out of gas". The problem has persisted, but only occurs randomly. In my 35 minute commute the issue usually happens once or twice, usually when accelerating. The RPMs drop and the car basically chokes. Sometimes afterwards it refuses to get back up to speed for a bit. Other times it's a non issue. My gas mileage appears to have dropped from about 17 mpg to 11. The check engine light has been turning on and off as well. It turns up 0 computer codes. Based on all this, we replaced the fuel filter, but that doesn't seem to have helped. Any input? Thanks.

I hace a 6 cylinder 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 140k miles on it. I've had it for 5+ years with no major issues and have kept up the maintenance pretty well.

Last month when out of town, my husband was driving my car and told me it felt like it "sputtering as if it were running out of gas". The problem has persisted, but only occurs randomly. In my 35 minute commute the issue usually happens once or twice, usually when accelerating. The RPMs drop and the car basically chokes. Sometimes afterwards it refuses to get back up to speed for a bit. Other times it's a non issue. My gas mileage appears to have dropped from about 17 mpg to 11. The check engine light has been turning on and off as well. It turns up 0 computer codes. Based on all this, we replaced the fuel filter, but that doesn't seem to have helped. Any input? Thanks.

Im not sure if a cherokee is the same as a wrangler but I had the same problem. It ended up being the fuel filter/pressure regulator that is part of the fuel sending unit that is mounted on top of the gas tank.
I had almost the exact same problem with my 95 yj, it turned out to be the catalytic converter. Only difference is that my cat was rattling like crazy before what you described happened. It might be a good idea to check that out.
I had this problem, it is the crank sensor on the bell housing of the transmission. This tells the computer where the TDC is or Top Dead Center. There is also one for the cam shaft. I would see about changing this out or looking into this. They do go, and it sounds like a lot of other things, but if it fires and dies, you can push in the shraeder (sic) valve on the fuel injector area to see if it has fuel.

In a typical Jeep application, the ignition control module (ICM) is located in engine compartment. It consists of a solid-state ignition circuit, as well as an integrated ignition coil that can be removed and serviced separately. Electronic signals from the ECU to the ICM determine the amount of ignition timing or retard needed to meet engine power requirements. The ECU provides an input signal to the ICM. The ICM has outputs for a tach signal to the tachometer and a high voltage signal from the coil to the distributor. The crankshaft position sensor senses TDC (Top Dead Center) and BDC crankshaft positions, as well as engine rpm. This sensor is secured by special shouldered bolts to flywheel/drive plate housing and is not adjustable.
This is for your 1988 year. Good Luck! I am on my 5th Jeep Grand Cherokee over 27 years! Love me some jeeps..hate the sheet that happens, but then they usually can be fixed easily enough!

Read more: https://www.jeepz.com/forum/cheroke...cond-shuts-off-help-please.html#ixzz4Xq1fk8HQ

List of possible issues (based on 2003 4.0L)

1 blown head gasket
2 clogged Cat or pre-Cat
3 bad o2 sensor
4 bad crank sensor (located
under the timing cover near
5 clogged muffler (caused by
bad Cat or pre-cat)
6 bad fuel pump
7 bad fuel injector(s)
8 bad spark coil tail
9 bad spark/crank sensor
(Located on passenger side of
engine block near oil filter
where 1998 - older had the
Distributed cap)
10 ecm (Main computer)
11 bad mass Air flow sensor
(Located on intake tube)
12 bad throttle position sensor

Sent from my SM-J320V using Jeepz.com mobile app
Does this happen at a certain pedal point? Like as you continue to press down the pedal at a point or two it stops increasing rpm or speed. Then as you keep going it all of a sudden tries to catch up?
That's the TPS
Measure the fuel pressure.
Does it only happen when the engine is cold? Or only when up to temp?

You should be able to retrieve the codes even after the CEL is out.

Bad gas?.


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Like I thought, on the bell housing for the crank sensor....this will go, went on my 2001 around 89K miles


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