Speedo assembly o-ring, need help:(


New member
So i pulled the assembly out to swap gears and the O-ring was split in half with a small piece missing. I have been to Autozone, advance, O'rielly's, lowes, homedepot, with no luck finding a new one, I found a few that fit, but stick out to far and wouldnt go back in the hole. Anybody have any ideas, etc... would like to run my jeep this weekend and the stealership is closed till monday, besides they want $6.36 for the "Jeep" brand o-ring:( please help

Hey..check Lowes (for sure) or (Menards?). They sell "generic" o-ring sets for sinks. They come with about 20 or so different o-rings in the kit for like tree fiddy ($3.50) That's where I ended up getting the o-ring for the pressure switch on my O.B.A. Plus I have 19 "spares" in my tool box.