Soft Top Care and Cleaning?


New member

Any suggestin, BESIDE REPLACEMENT, hopefully,

for a 4 year old soft top that Smells like mildew,
anytime it gets wet.? I've scrubbed it with a brush
and mild detergent, doesn't help.

<Maybe a baking soda mix? any home remedies?
or autoshop secrets? thanks[addsig]


Hey just buy another one :lol: and me one while your
at it :lol: ... Hey try taking it off and laying it out in that
good old hot Texas sun and let it dry out completely
then scrub it down good and let it dry, then take some
Freebreeze and spray the inside, then go to the auto part
store and pick up some Mothers Back to Black and put
it on the outside of the top it will darken and absorb some smell
....worked good on my 99' :-O

edited by: jhiggins, Jun 30, 2003 - 12:59 PM[addsig]

It has to be a common problem,
any COMMON answers?

the four year old soft top.
smells like a GP - Medium
(army tent), whenever
activated by H2O.

Help, I don't want to trash
the top, it is in GREAT condition
beside the stated issue.

Guess, "Puddle Jumping" doesn't
help, but THAT won't change.

edited by: USMPK9, Jun 30, 2003 - 09:47 PM[addsig]

Did you get your top smeeling nice and fresh????
Or did you finally give up and realize it's just a
JEEP....hahahahaha J/K :lol: :lol: :lol: [addsig]