So I got to thinking about this whole war thing and the Fren


New member

First off, they hate us for going after countries that have attacked us.

Second, they're afraid of this turning into WWIII. Well, if it does you know they're going to run to us for help.

Third, how can they look at the Arc de Triumphe with a straight face?[addsig]


as i recall, wouldnt WW 2 have ended nearly a year earlier had the french gone on the offensive instead of the defensive? yea us history class has a little value, i dont think the french have been the same about fighting since getting their a$$'s kicked in the french and indian war[addsig]

Speaking of history class, remember for the first years of WW II the French Vichy government was allied with the Germans. Germany pretty much invaded France by invitation.
Chirach was professing his friendship for America , on european TV and then the next day, promissed to veto any intiative, in the UN, for the US to administer Iraq after the hostilities. Like the old saying states "with friends like these who needs enemies"

I´d like to start an initiative, to send an Expeditionary force to France, to repatriate the remains of the US soldiers, buried in France. I wouldn´t feel so bad about leaving my comrades in arms, to rest with friends, but it really upsets me, to leave them with "two faced, back stabbers". Dignity and right, tells me to return the remains of WW II soldiers buried in hostile soil (France), to there homeland and friends.

A rhetorical question I have to ask mayself, is where would Chirach be today without the United States, probably a German or Russian minnion. Chiraq and Shroeder have a dream of a united europen community (under there direction), been there, done that, exactly how WW II started. Where would Germany be today without the US, probably right there with the old East Germany, Poland, Cszech, Hungary and the others, a half century behind the times.

And something, for all, to keep in mind is the Muslim movement. Who knows where thats headed.

Wonder why the Southern European, the Northern European and the Eastern European nations, support the US. They remember history.[addsig]

The Snotty French! Ahhhh the Wine the Cheeze the Bread. Heavy on butter cream and put wine in everything. Spring in Paris. The Ladys of the night. There what more good can be said for the self centered silly a$$ed French.

We Do Not Need Your Help, But Some Day You Will Need Us Again! Tug[addsig]


A few things to keep in mind, France is where Khomeini was hiding out, before the overthrow of Iran, leading to the 444 days of captivity for the American Marines and State Dept. people. France has always been a hideout for Muslim fundamentalists, when it got to hot at home. The Badder meinhoff and Red Army faction used to hide out there. The Basque seperatists, that have been blowing up things in Spain for thirty years or more, retire to France after there attacks. Gadafi and even two of the three sides of the Lebanese conflict, where French minions.
I really think a close look, at French, policies and professed friendship, and possibly a serious readjustment is in order.
France really should be on the list, of sponsors of state terrorism. If nothing else, they seem to give them safe haven.
France even had a hand in creating the mess in Viet Nam.
France is famous for there good food, but it seems most everything, they turn there political hand to, smells like chit.
After the in flight bombing, over Lockerbie Scotland, when the US wanted to retaliate, France denieghed us overflight rights to bomb Libya.

On a practical level, France rarley will participate in any kind of joint venture, unless they can be in charge. And like one of my former Commanders said to a French Officer, during a joint training exercise, way back when. Name one battle you´ve won since Napoleon, and I´ll let you be the boss (or in other words shut up and listen maybe you´ll learn something). I´ve trained with the Brits (good but kinda nuts) and the French (always want to be the boss and direct, while somebody elses soldiers get killed).
The French have been wanting to disolve NATO since it´s inseption, so they can remake it in there own image (totoally funk it up). They may have finally succeded.

Comes a time, when it becomes necessary to re-evaluate friendship, I think the time for Frances, serious re-evalution, is now. Seems like most everything since the Revolutionary war has been down hill and they only helped then, to aggrevate the Brits.[addsig]