Skin Cancer


New member
Maryland has the highest percentage of males with skin cancer on their left arms... SERIOUSLY!!!


Because guys are making the 3-5 hour trip to Ocean City, MD with their left arm hanging out the window...

I'm sure we jeepers make up a huuuuge percentage of skin cancer patients because of our love to drive around with the top down everytime it's remotely sunny outside.

Wear suntan lotion!!!! Especially on your thighs, arms and shoulders!!! 8)

ya, my left arm used to always be really tan/burned from hanging it out the window! I am now glad to have a Jeep, so that doesn't happen any more.
Not only do I leave my arm in the sun while driving the Jeep, I have it hanging on the bucket truck door all day at work. Throw in being up in the aerial bucket, working on the ground, playing baseball, coaching little league, cutting my grass, fishing, bla bla bla - I guess I'm a good target. Suntan lotion makes you 10 times hotter as your body has to work twice as hard to perspire to keep you cool.

One thing to remember is skin cancer is alot more likely to show up on skin that has been either repeatedly or severly sunburned. A good base tan is your body's natural protection. Introduce your skin to the sun's rays slowly and in moderation and you will have the best chance of keeping it healthy.

So folks if you are air conditioning blooded and you go out and expose your pale skin to the sun for hours, burn it, then put on the aloe and after it heals you go do it again, you're asking for cancer. Bad pattern.

I wish I was this careful when I was younger :(

Jeepgirl, this is sooo true.
I unfortunitly am very allergic to the sun.ever since i got really bad sun poisoning in florida 6 years ago, now ever spring and early summer this is what happens to me...........(this is from this weekend I had on a sweatshirt and hat but my hands were exposed.) the bumps eventually go away but they are very itchy and agravating, and the doctors say that they can eventually turn into cancer. cant waiit till it gets warmer so I can have them all over my body. yippy!!!!!!! Last summer my thighs were bad from driving the jeep with shorts on. everyone be safe and lather up. The sun can be very nasty to your skin.
needs some input

Commonly know as a truckers tan when the left arm only tan. The farmer tan has both arms from the elbow down and the back of the neck thus Red Neck! Sun block is a great thing use it folks. tug
I will say we use it on the kids. I'll use it myself if at the beach or on a boat, but that's like being in a toaster so everyone needs it. Just out working and driving, I already got the good farmers tan going and I don't burn.

Re: Catalytic converter question

I wish I used it at the game yesterday. I was in the Wrigley bleachers and had no idea what an incredibly nice day it was going to be. My arms and face are quite burned. I need to be better about wearing sunscreen. Its right up there on the list with flossing.
i've done roofing all my life... i know all about how the sun works... its coming out again... i better hit the store to get me some more block
junkyard yorks

I am unburnable......

....Because I use sunblock.

Down here in Hell, if you don't wear it.... you're hurtin'. You don't want to burn around here. Reasonably high in elevation and HOT. New Mexico is bad too... HOT and a mile high. Not good.

Being a fair skinned Irishman, I know all too well the effects of the sun.

Thanks for the heads up, but that is good info for any event that you are in direct sunlight for a long time!!
With all the chemicals in a bottle of sunblock, I use it only when I'm in a situation like I stated above. tocopheryl acetate? oxybenzone? avobenzone? What is that stuff? I don't even think they know :lol:

I'll certainly agree there's times where it is a good idea, but many cultures/races have never had it and still managed to keep their race alive. At least the sun is good for some vitamin D, and nothing beats a good hat and some loose fitting clothing to beat the sun.
Being red headed and all makes me a conoisseur of sunscreen. My favorite is the spray on stuff in SPF 25 or 30. You have to use it more often than the cream stuff, but it takes a lot less time to put on. I spray it on my ears and all over my face and I'm good to go.
It doesn't work so well in the wind. You have to spray it in your hand then wipe it all over. It's still easier than the cream.
Now if someone could make something like that for poison ivy then I would be set.

poison ivy... i fortunately do not react to that