Short driver


New member
Has anyone adapted their Cj5 (in this case, 1974) for a short driver. Unable to easily use brake,etc. Am actually seeking information for my daughter who has been part of a jeep restoration project and now sad when she can't safely drive it.

Hello oldenglish,

Can you elaborate on the problem? Is your daughter too short to reach the foot pedals? Can’t see over steering wheel? Both?

A kid I grew up with was vertically challenged. Someone made and attached thick hardwood blocks to the pedals of his car. The wooden block surfaces were covered with some sort of non-slip material.

Tilt-wheel steering columns are available for CJ-7s, but I don’t know if they are available for CJ-5s. If available, a tilt-wheel column might help to more suitably position the steering wheel.

Yea Zip Tie some blocks to the pedals and reach shall be over come and a coushion for heith will help. If this is to be her Jeep and daily drive a more permenat conection of the blocks and a spacer to lift the seat. tug
I have tilt on my CJ5 so you should be able to find one. I have the oppisite problem I am 6'6" in the CJ5 I am a little squashed but you get used to it. I am sure you could have something fabbed to fit on the peddles. I would think you could even make something removeable so others could drive it. Mayby with a pin and clip attatching it or something

What is a spacer i would like to see over the steering wheel more but a phone book just wont cut it. HAHA any suggestions?
What I would think for that is have something built that goes between the existing bracket and the seat to lift the seat higher. The problem is then the peddles get farther away.
I'd space up the seat bracket a bit along with adding blocks to the pedals. They don't have to be thick blocks, just whatever little extra she needs to be safe.

Bracket that clamp to"rain gutter" for roofrack or

OE, how old is your daughter? is she old enough to drive? I would put in a tilt, raise the seat and mount it alittle closer. my sisters kids all start driving at the ripe ol' age of nine (she lives in the country). the first couple of years its hard for them to stop and the brakes are not very good on there old wagoneer, so they never fail to stop on the big tree on the side of their house.