Shifting problem!!!! %@#$*&


New member
Today I drove up to the beach to go fishing and on the way at a stop light my YJ wouldn't go into gear. Everything to do with the clutch is within 2 months old. Could it be the transmission fluid? I have a 4.2L engine so I have an AX15 right? Where in the hell is the filler plug??? Please help ASAP I'm tryin to fix this tonight. thanks

I'm not sure what that might be... sounds like it could be fluid. The filler plug is on the Drivers Side. It's up a little ways, so you'll have to use a syphin to get it in there. Correct me if I'm wrong guys!
depends on what year his jeep is. on my YJ (1989) the fill plug is on the pass side and takes a squae socket to get out. there is also a drain plug on the back of the transmission on the driver side. i think i have a peugot transmission tho...

i had trouble shifting when it was cold out. changed the fluid and the problem was gone. changing the fluid is a good frist attempt at solving the problem. check and make sure your shifter is not hitting the tub and is full engaging as well.

west747 said:
the fill plug is on the pass side and takes a squae socket to get out. there is also a drain plug on the back of the transmission on the driver side. i think i have a peugot transmission tho...

Yep... sounds like the Peugeot to me! Oh well, we just make the most we can of them :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
Had the same problem this morning, added fluid just fine now, my fill is on the drivers side, halfway up in the middle of the transmission,89 yj I went in the hood and used a tube hooked to the fluid bootle and had a friend sqeeze it in while I held it in place underneath. 8) 8) 8)
The '90 is an AX15. Have you noticed any hard shifting before the problem?

Replace your transmission fluid with either Redline MT90 or Penzoil Synchromesh. The Penzoil is available locally, but the Redline is synthetic and shifts like warm butter. It's generally only available online and will cost more, but it's worth it.

Fill plug should be half way up the driver's side, obscured by the front driveshaft.

How about the hydrolic clutch assembly, if there is a leak, small amount of air could be in there and it would limit your ability to put the transmission into gear from nuetral
jps4jeep said:
How about the hydrolic clutch assembly, if there is a leak, small amount of air could be in there and it would limit your ability to put the transmission into gear from nuetral
Pump the hell out of the clutch pedal if this is the case, then shifting into gear may improve. Check the clutch fluid too.