SCHOOLS out for summer!!!!


New member

Yes,I was released from school today.Two and a half months of free time.No school,no books,no more teachers dirty looks!!!!Yes,Im so happy.Planning on going jeeping tons this summer.I just thought that Id let you all know. :wink: Sully[addsig]


I hear ya Sully. I had one final today and it took 30 mins. I left right afterwards for the last time. Next friday I graduate and then I'm done with high school forever. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


You guys need to down load the old schools song of release. Alice Coopers "Schools Out For Ever" to me it seem todays youth have no meaningfull music to relate to everyday life. All generations will relate here. congrads to the grads and now go to work! hehehehe Tug :lol: [addsig]

i remember those days... my favorite thing about going to school was "it being over"[addsig]


Me too .now all it is, is work work work and paybills...and then maybe buy jeep parts..... :) [addsig]

I have been out of high school for 7 years now, and I would go back i a heart beat, Life was so much more simpler! The biggest worry was having a ful time job for 2 1/2 months and not knowing what to do on my free weekends. Now I have a fiancee,motgage, 2 car payments, bike payment, and uncle sam wanting his 40% cut of my income.

But look at the bright side, if you liked high school, college (assuming you go) will blow your mind!!!

And if the chance arises, join the greek order

sigma tau gamma!

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