Sad Week in Atlanta


New member
Hey Ya'll. Just dropping by to do a post-and-run...but I'll be back.

It's been a sad hockey week for Atlanta with the death of Dan Snyder and the injury of and criminal chages against Dan Heatley (a rapidly rising star in the NHL). :cry: Anyway, I'll be at tomorrow's opening game but I'm sure it'll be a subdued event...not nearly as celebratory as it otherwise would have been. We all do unwise things at some point...unfortunately Heatley's resulted in a tragedy. I have been praying for them both, but now I hope and pray that the living Dan can recover emotionally and physically.

Remember: Drive safely and use your seatbelt AND your brain!! And even though many of our Jeeps probably have a hard time reaching 80 mph, if you don't use your brain, bad things can happen at much lower speeds.

I'll be back later to post a picture of my 3-yr old nephew in a battery powered Jeep I bought him next to my 8-yr old gas powered YJ. I keep forgeting to take my digital camera so I can snap a picture.
The major problem with Heatley wasn't the speed, it was the drinking with speeding. Remember guys and gals, Know When to Say When.

Any Good Trails In UCF Orlando Area

Well he was not legally intoxicated or driving under the influence...unless the DA knows something they haven't revealed, but I seriously doubt that. In fact, official statements have actually been made that alcohol was NOT a factor.
One to many pucks to the head was the cause of this wreck. Personally, I think he was just trying to show off to the new and upcomming star.

Folks, when in Georgia, try NOT to act like us. "Hey, ya'll watch this" kills more Georgians than the Civil war.
It sucks that the NHL has lost one player to another players stupidity! Dan Snyder will be missed. As for Dan Heatley, It is unfortunate that he was such a good player, very talented, and he made such a bone-headed move! I know your all in Atlanta, and it is your home team, but If It was 2 bruins that were in this predictament, I would hope that proper justice would be done. Heately deserves what ever is given to him! But I do hope he has a speedy recovery.


If a Shark (if originally from the Bay Area) had done that, fan or not there must be a reckoning.

It sucks. Heatley was an up and comer.
...and we won anyway!!! :wink:

And hey, I didn't mean to imply that I think Heatley should get a complete pass. My first emotion was anger and I can understand the charges. But I also recognize that what he did, while stupid, is not THAT far, if you're perfectly honest, from what a lot of people do from time to time. How many people actually drive 35 mph down Lenox Rd? The average is probably 50 to 55 mph at times. By no means am I justifying Heatley's driving, just putting it into context.

Then there's the fact that Heatley's actually a very down-to-earth person desipte his celebrity status and it was an accident involving two friends. I can understand some people's anger and I can understand the charges but I also understand and see the need for compassion. As one columnist put it: "Snyder didn't die from a disease or a faulty organ. He wasn't murdered by a criminal. These are all things we understand, painful as they are. But when two young men climb into a sports car and drive like maniacs down a dark and winding road together, there is no evil force to shoulder the blame."

Ideally, we could have both guys back, alive and healthy. But that's not possible and it doesn't provide any more solace to see Heatley's life wasted to grief and rebuke from a clearly stupid and tragic but youthful fact that only makes the situation more tragic.

The Snyder family has already publicly forgiven Heatley. Even still, it doesn't bring Snyder back and I'm sure Heatley has had and will have a lot of dark days ahead of him from his own guilt (legal issues aside). In short, there are no easy answers and it is those issues that make the whole thing such a tragedy.
Congrats to your team. And I didn't think you were implying such a thing. Even pro hockey players are human. I'm sure he is suffering enough, and that may be reckoning enough.

It's nice to know there are some hockey fans on this site!!

Go Sharks!