Rusty axles


New member
I had new gears installed along with a detroit locker last year. Before I took the housing to the r+p man I cleaned it inside and out, along with cleaning the axle shafts. I bent a flange and ordered another axle. Before installing it I was cleaning around the inner seal and found a buch of metal flakes that turned out to be rust from the axle, whats causing this?

Is it front diff? Is it on the out side of the inner seal
Usually rust is from water. My rear gearset was all rusty from water in the gear oil. The housing. Being cast. Will rust easily.
Its the rear axle. The housing was cleaned before the ring and pinion install. I used all new bearings and seals, and cleaned the shafts with a wire brush. Drove it for a year and everything was fine. I bent a flange and got another axle. Before installing it I was cleaning the axle seal and there was a lot of the flakey rust back behind the seal, on both sides of housing. I have drove it in the rain a few times and I think I had it in one mud hole that was over the top of the housing. I guess that enough to cause the rust on the shafts. But theres no seal at the center section, so the gear oil will flow into the tubes. If the axles are frequently covered in oil shouldnt that prevent rust?

It depends. Some gear oil absorbs or carries moisture so any oxygen will cause rust. I've pulled lots of axles out that had rust on them.