rolled xj


New member
Rolled my Cherokee today :/ I'm fine with no scratches fotunately but my jeep is k.o.


that sucks!!! been there though. I had not rolled in 25 years of jeeping off road untill about 5 years ago, then I did it twice in the same year and same jeep.
A little pounding out of bent metal and you should be good to go. And now, you can be a little less worried about that first scratch.

Good to hear there were no injuries.

I was in a 4X4 roll over on the pavement about 25 years ago and spend 6 months out of commission due to injuries. It still gives me the creeps to this day, so my off roading is pretty tame as I don't like that roll over feeling and don't take chances.
It's actually worse than the picture shows.. not sure if any amount of pounding is going to be enough to ever get front glass in no matter how much silicone is used. The front pillars are bent inward on both sides a fair amount and the passanger side door is locked **** cause the bottom got smashed up into it