Rodent ate wiring on Liberty


New member

We took our 2002 Jeep Liberty to the dealer for service because the Check Engine (Malfunction) light was on. They said a rodent (squirrel, chipmunk, rat, mouse?) had chewed up the wiring (under hood), so they replaced the wiring harness and covered it with tape. A day later the light came on again; I took it to the dealer and the tech showed me that this time the critter had chewed the wiring on 1 of the O2 sensors. We live in a wooded area and have been parking the Jeep on the driveway. The service mgr said rodents climb up under the hood to keep warm (daytime in Sept?) and chew the wiring because it is coated with a silicone grease. He said they also can crawl into the air intake. He suggested using repellant or poison to keep the rodents away; we are trying an ultrasonic device which he thought would also work. Of course, cleaning out the garage and keeping the Jeep inside would also help. But if it happens to a vehicle parked on the driveway it could also happen to one parked on a lot or in the woods. We've never seen this happen with any other vehicle we've owned, but the SM says it's a common problem. Any ideas on how to either keep rodents from getting under the hood or protect the wiring so they can't chew it?[addsig]


I've never heard of this either. The most human way would be one of those ultra-sonic devices like you talked about. If not moth balls might work but how do apply them to the underside of your Jeep?
This has happened to me several times.

They really like the Accel and taylor plug wire, but left Moroso alone. Go figure. All I can think of is the bright colors.



Rodents eating wires crazy huh,, (berettajeep) that is some cool animation!!

The liberty looks very cool. , A buddy of my swears by those electronic gadgets for his same prob!! good luck poooorboy[addsig]

It´s usally a Weasel of one type or another. Try a little rat poison wrapped in a peice of meat (liverwurst works well) stick it up where the neighbors cat can´t get to it. If it´s a Weasel and he keeps coming back, be prepared for some strange smells, they like to mark there territory.