Road noise? What road noise?

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: ROBBED!

Yesterday my son came over and helped me install my El Cheapo amp for my stereo. Well, actually, he installed it, I just did the little stuff like, He's installed several in his own vehicles and for others, so I figured he'd be better and quicker. Besides, as I mentioned before, I hate electrical stuff.

Why? Because I was tired of hearing wind and road noise over the music when I had the top and doors off. I bought a cheap 200 watt amp for around $40 to push my 240 watt Pioneer 6x9's.

Well, after a road test, I must say it sounds awesome, and I definitely don't hear anymore road noise. Funny, but I can't hear any birds chirping either.....

.....somebody answer that phone!

I am pleased with the stock system in Jeepy for that, when I'm running windows down, and sunroof open, I can still hear my music... It's almost always on, amazing the odd little noises you hear when you turn it down...
RE: broken tap

No offence meant by this Saurian but it's a whole nother deal wen you have no top or doors. The fact you have some doors and most of a roof quiet things a whole lot. The roll bars make alot of wind noise too. I replaced my stock setup as soon as I got it. Nothing that powerful... yet. Its amazing how you hear nothing over a well pwoered system.

Did you say something?

RE: broken tap

Soft top flapping was the reason I installed an aftermarket system in my TJ. When the top and doors are off I could care less what sounds are kicking around. I am just happy as a clam :)

RE: idle fixed

raptor_pilot said:
No offence meant by this Saurian but it's a whole nother deal wen you have no top or doors. The fact you have some doors and most of a roof quiet things a whole lot. The roll bars make alot of wind noise too. I replaced my stock setup as soon as I got it. Nothing that powerful... yet. Its amazing how you hear nothing over a well pwoered system.

Did you say something?


Absolutely. It is like comparing apples and oranges when talking about having your windows down and sunroof open and having the top and doors off. In fact, in a regular vehicle (like my Camry) I usually can carry on a conversation with the other people in the car with the windows down and the sunroof open. In the Jeep with no top or doors, it's a matter of sign language and notes scribbled on pieces of paper that are blowing around! :lol:
I had a little fun with it tonight after work. As I rounded the corner at the town square, I saw the Chief of Police a couple blocks up the road behind me, so I cranked it up. He nearly gave himself whiplash turning to see who was making all the racket. I cruised the two blocks to my house, whipped into the garage and closed the door. Just before pulling into the drive, I saw him make a quick U-turn and head my way. I watched out the window as he slowed in front of the house looking for me, then drove on. I slipped out the back door to the garage and sat in the yard swing out back with Sunshine. A few minutes later, he came cruising up the side street and pulled over. He got out with a mean look on his face, and I could barely stifle the laughter as he started chewing me for the loud stereo! I knew he was joking around with me, and he knew I did it on purpose. As he walked back to his patrol car, he muttered something about "those damn kids and their stereos"!

Larry (the Chief) and I have been friends for many years, back before I started working EMS, and we've had a lot of incidents like this one in the past. You gotta understand, this is a small town, less than 900 people, otherwise I wouldn't be in a position to joke around with the cops that way....both of them.
Oh ya, you HAVE to have a loud stereo (or at least one that's capable of being loud!!).

Every vehicle I've owned has had a good stereo system in it (some a little more extreme :wink: than others)...and all mine in the future will as well 8)

hehe, actually I'm kind of in the designing stage of a system for my Denali at the moment.

88Wrangles said:
Oh ya, you HAVE to have a loud stereo (or at least one that's capable of being loud!!).

Every vehicle I've owned has had a good stereo system in it (some a little more extreme :wink: than others)...

I've always had pretty decent systems in mine, too, although anymore I just don't play them near as loud as I did when I was a "damn kid" with a loud stereo! :lol: This one is too loud for me, even. And I'm deaf in one ear already. About mid-volume on it is plenty on the highway to drown out the road noise. I think if I hit full volume I could drown out a 747......
RE: Camp Jeep

I'd like a better stereo but I've always had stock and know nothing about them or what to do. Don't you worry the components might get stolen? I've about blown my stock speakers up trying to go over the road and jeep nois myself.

RE: Besttop soft top installation

AAAHH!!! They're all making fun of me because the roof doesn't come off!!! Keep it down, or Jeepy'll get wind of this and be even MORE troublesome :shock: :lol:

No offence taken, I am sure that it is a phenomonal difference... Someday, I will have a YJ as well to share in the fun...

RE: New Jeep owner--- stuck @ 2000rpms...

Saurian, Just take a sawzall and cut the top off. That would solve your problem!
well crap

LadyJeepFreak said:
Don't you worry the components might get stolen?

Nah, not really. That's why I bought a cheap amp. The speakers were around $60 or so, the amp was $40, and the stereo came with the Jeep (an aftermarket Pioneer). Not too expensive to replace if it gets jacked. Besides, I rarely ever have to leave it where it will get broken into. I'm not too worried about it happening at work, and it's locked in the garage when I'm home.
Well my 208 watt sony explod radio pumps out enough juice...the only problem is, i blew out the explor (yes, explor) speakers I bought for $30 at the flea market. That and I have trouble carrying on conversations AFTER I drive on the freeway.

RE: Stalling 258

GaryMB said:
Well my 208 watt sony explod radio pumps out enough juice...the only problem is, i blew out the explor (yes, explor) speakers I bought for $30 at the flea market. That and I have trouble carrying on conversations AFTER I drive on the freeway.

I'm only pushing 100 watts per channel and it's still too much, but that's the smallest amp I could find.

Back in high school, I had a buddy with a VW Bug. He had a Jensen stereo (they were all the rage back then) with a pyramid 50 watt amp pushing Jensen triax 6x9's. It was the loudest I'd ever heard at that time. Of course, in a VW, the sound travels right up the curve of the roof and dumps down on top of you in the front seat! :lol: