really pissed at this stupid avatar bulloney


New member
No so much a hint but a story

:evil: :evil: this damn thing keeps on blocking my pic AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. what the f--k is the deal. i went into properties on the (url) and copied and pasted it. i did it like 3x's today and it wont stay. why why why i need help, make it work

sorry just blowin off steam
i tried to put in a pic from our trip this past weekend that is hosted on, and it stayed for most of the day yesterday, and last night when i went on it was a red X in a box. so i used the one i have now from LT33LP??? but i would rather use my pic. got any suggestions. what about in the sig. i can also post pics there, but that didn't work either.

Ray ofoto wont let you link their pics...for some reason...use pics For instance:

Hey 88Wrang, Have you ever heard the old Oscar Meyer commercial.

"Cause Oscar Meyer has a way with, B-O-L-O-G-N-A"

LOL just teasing.
My Jeep has a first name it's O-S-C-A-R . No not really , but it is leaking antifreeze. Not my real jeep, the cartoon one .


Jackal :lol: