R&P swap prices!!


New member

Hi, I have a 88 Yj with stock 3.07 gears and when I put in 31" the engine lost most of its performance. Sow I am very interested in swaping my gears to 4.11 at the least. Sow I shoped arround and found a shop that would rebuild my axels (bearings, seals, etc..), use used R&P and, and complete the swap on the two axels to 4.11 for $400 total, I chose that shop becouse of its experience on jeeps (sow they tell me), now the cuestion is, is that a good deal??? or showd I keep looking, Thanks for your help...[addsig]


i would think that you could just buy a rear end that already has 4.11 in it for that price, then you get to keep (or sell) your original gear as well. [addsig]

That's an awesome deal, almost too good to be true, and you know how those deals can be :roll: Hope it works out for you, good choice on the 4.11 gears, I wouldn't go any lower.[addsig]

I would be a little weary of using used gears, with something as important as axels it's a place that you don't want to skip out on price, but also like jterp said this sounds like a great time for upgrades or wait to upgrade gears until you get new axels.[addsig]


Ive been doing a little more reseach, and turns out that these guys are very recomended from everibody i have spoken too, they specialice in truck and trailer axels sow I think that a jeep will be a walk in the park, bye the way the $400 bucks include a rebuild of the 2 axels and the swap to 4.11 on the 2, parts and everithing. Sow all thats left will be asking to see the parts before they go in (couse im kindava control freak), i mite just even stay for the hole thing, maibe even take some pics and post a few, hope they dont thow me out... :-D . Ok, thakyou ...[addsig]

does that 400 include all the parts. and is that for each axle???? so 800 total... that sounds like a good deal[addsig]