Proper PSI for 31s primarily road useage


New member
Should be a simple question, I ordered 5 new wheels and tires. 31x10.50 BFG ATs. They came mounted and balanced. 3 of the tires came inflated to about 36psi while the other 2 came inflated to 40psi.

My question is this, most of my driving will be commuting on the highways, what would people suggest as the proper psi on the road? I've evened them all out to around 35psi but the ride seems quite rigid. I don't want to let too much more out if the tires are going to wear funny.

when I take the jeep on the beach, I'll go down to about 15-18psi.

35 is way too high in my opinion in my opinion.. i run around 25 in mine for on road use and around 12 off road. do the chalk test to see what's best for you. run a line across each tire with a piece of chalk then ride around for a few miles. if the chalk wears evenly then your pressure is perfect. if it wears on the outside edges add air. if it wears in the middle take out air.
You just have to ride 'em and adjust 'em.... ride 'em and adjust 'em. Repeat until you find a psi that suits you. I like to have a little more air up front to compensate for the weight of the engine. This is not required, but probably why you had different psi levels from the tire shop. My BFG m/t are rated to 50 psi and came from Sears mounted at 38psi. I hated it and dropped it to about 28 up front and 25 in the rear.

BJ's tire center showed for a vehicle the weight of a wrangler, with 31" tires, to use 30 rear, 28 front... the reason for the lower pressure in the front is because of the added weight of the engine... when you hit a bump, or when the vehicle weight is pressed down... the tire pressure increases... that allows for a higher margin in pressure in the tire with more weight

yep, I usually put about 28 psi in my tires that are that size