Proper location for the Fire exstinguiser


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Ok our lunch time discusions must be really boring to those flat landers(non-jeep owners) but Tim my partner in crime (95 jeep) argued that placing my Fire exstinguiser on the floor board next to the drivers door wasnt the best spot to place it. He has his on the roll bar behind the drivers seat. For over an hour the verbal war fare with quick insults thrown in didnt produce a winner.
Now my question for a livly topic...if you have one where do you store it and why. :-D [addsig]


I actually have 2... One on the floor next to the drivers seat and one attached to the rollbar in the back...[addsig]

Mine is on the roll bar behind the drivers seat. This not to say it is the best but it works for me. I can get to it pretty good. Beside the driver seat would be good if you were traped in the jeep and it is burning but what is the chance of your being traped where the fire is anyway. Just the fact that you have a fire exstinguiser is a point that places you away ahead of the game. Tug :-D [addsig]

i dont have one.... yet.....hope i never have to use one on tha jeep.... but my vote is for mounting it to the roll bar w/ radiator clamps[addsig]


I keep my fire extinguisher in the trunk, in a crate with all my tools & extra fluid :lol:.



.02,,,, I'm no pro, but I've seen the 'beast' eat cars,
trees, and homes....

You'll notice the ABC Bottles on the Vertical Roll Bars of the Main Hoop,
just off canter so you can reach behind your opposing seat and from a
belted position, even upside down. put yourself out,,, hopefully.

ABC Canisters are NOT automotive 'type'....
The put out wood, gas, and electrical....
Automotive type will not put out the forest fire you
start in tall grass with a hot tailpipe. :-O

Another 5lb'r in the Back, for the trail and other Rigs.

The front two are ALWAYS there, Street or Trail,,,
Fire, doesn't play by the 'rules'. Never know when
a $10 Canister, may save a 10 year olds life.

I pray none us ever need them, But put them
WHERE you can reach them... Be a shame to
burn only half to death, lay there for months
thinking,,, if only I could have reached the

Jeep Safe, Jeep Smart, Jeep Together.!!!

hey ROB,, Fireman Harry, other pros!!!!
What should we do "Smokeater"s

If her engines smoking/ on fire,, do we pop the hood>?
You're the PRO, What do YOU say>?

edited by: USMPK9, Jun 18, 2003 - 09:14 PM[addsig]

Wherever you keep your extinguisher just be sure you know how to use it and just what kind of fire it will work on. An extinguisher should be mounted so as to allow access to it in case of an emergency ('nuff said). Another thing to keep in mind is if a dry chemical extinguisher has been riding around in your vehicle for a few years it has been subjected to the same beating that you and your ride has. The powder in these extinguishers can compact and get hard rendering them useless when you may need them. It's not a bad idea to give them a shake now and then. :cool: [addsig]



NEVER NEVER pop the hood on a burning motor. Sad to say, but that's what insurance is for. Opening the hood on a burning motor introduces a whole lot of oxygen to the fire. This is something that as hard as it sounds, should be left to the professionals. No life is worth your Jeep. My professional advice.........grab what you can, get out, and call 911 ASAP.
Also, as far as other cars, if you do decide to do this, make sure your extuingisher is ALWAYS a class c...some cars have magnesium (sp?) parts that don't react well to other types of extuingishers (expolsions, flashes, cool things like that).
An extuingisher is a good thing to have, but remember, an extuingisher is only as good as the person using it, so read the instructions, and/or stop by the local F.D.. They will be happy to show you the proper use, type/s and placement of your extuingisher. (I prefer the roll bars as well).

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

We are so lucky to have pros in all fields amongst us..

Harry, Rob,,, Thanks,, the most common thing I've seen
and the first time I saw someone burn, they opened the hood.

Quote: Rob
Also, as far as other cars, if you do decide to do this, make sure your extuingisher is ALWAYS a class c...some cars have magnesium (sp?) parts that don't react well to other types of extuingishers (expolsions, flashes, cool things like that).

Type slow for me please,,, our my abc bottles a danger then for vehicles>?
Had heard it was the best overall carry,,, please advise .

Ordinary combustibles or fibrous material, such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber and some plastics.

Flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, paint, paint thinners and propane.

Energized electrical equipment, such as appliances, switches, panel boxes and power tools. De-energize and extinguish as Class A.

Certain combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. These metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion. They may react violently with water or other chemicals, and must be handled with care.


I have 2 mounted on each sides of the roll bar. Just thought it was better to have 1 on each side.[addsig]

Thanks for the correction Harry..that is a perfect example of how not paying attenetion to details can get you hurt. I made a typo about the class d extuingisher, and thanks to Harry, all is made right.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

Thannks for the good info I will find somewhere to store it

USMPK9 your pic didn't show up buddy ...... :-O [addsig]