Possible business idea? Please leave feedback . . .


New member
Hello to all you fellow jeep owners/enthusiasts. This is my first time visiting your site, and I'm impressed. I have some questions for anyone who is kind enough to answer. . . Where do you go to get your jeeps fixed? If you're not fixing them yourselves, what is your next resource? The questions arise, because I've often wondered about folks who buy jeeps and want to modify or repair them but don't know how, don't have the time, whatever. . . I'm seriously considering opening a specialty store for this purpose, but I'm not sure there's a demand. Anyway, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Many thanks!!


Just make sure you carry quality parts. For some reason most shop/store owners that I've had experience with forget what they themselves were looking for in a shop BEFORE they became the owner of one. I hate going into a "speed shop" or 4x4 specialty shop and being met with two isles of ricer crap and chrome dipsticks. I can order out of a catalog myself, so make sure you have a decent wholesale price directly from your product manufacturers so you can compete with the stack of Jeep catalogs located beside my toilet.
As far as mechanics go.....you get what you pay for. I'm turning around and leaving if I walk into a shop and Bubba, who just got fired from his job as tire plugger at the gas station on the corner, is the tech guy getting ready to install my expensive parts.

Good luck. A good quality shop that can maintain a good reputation is an asset to Jeepers in more ways than one. If people who don't have any mechanical abilities have a local trustworthy shop that can build and service vehicles such as ours, it makes them feel more comfortable with the idea of getting into Jeeping.....and with the land closures and negative attitudes that people harbor about our pastime, the more people we can get addicted to our "drug", the better off we are.
Good business idea, but you won't be without competition. There are some chains and several shops and online retailers that specialize in mods and this sort of stuff. "Brick and mortar" stores may or may not be in your area though. Even so, check around. One of many is http://www.4wpw.com ...I provide that one simply as an example.
I wish there were more 4X4 shops around here. There's 2 within a reasonable driving distance. One has a bad rep for shotty work and the other's prices are usually close to suggested retail. If you can find a balance between quality service and pricing close to the quadratec's and 4WD Hardware's you'll be a hit.

I don't think you have to match catalogs, but being close (after shipping costs) could make a big difference.

Best of luck in your endeavor.
I'd be looking for a shop that let's me participate. If I'm taking my rig in due to my inablity to repair or modify it myself, than I'd like to sit in and help. That way I can learn.

I know that there are many shops that allow you to rent the space and the tools, this is a fantastic idea. A specialty 4x4 shop that does the same would be phenominal. All you'd have to have is a salty veteran on the premises for questions and help.
Dear 4jeepgirl,

Forgive me. I am about to offer advice that you did not specifically request, but offer because you did ask for "any" related ideas.

I will try to keep this brief, as opposed to the usual long-winded Gadget post.

Since you are considering opening a small business, I would respectfully suggest that you visit an office of the Small Business Administration (SBA). SBA offices are typically located in Federal Government Office Buildings, but that is not always the case. A quick check of the "Federal Government" section of your phone book will locate the nearest office of the SBA.

The SBA is a one-stop, no-cost treasure chest of business knowledge. The SBA exists to assist the fledgling entrepreneur.

The SBA can also plug you into (if desired) a no cost small business mentoring service known by the acronym of SCORE: "Service Corps of Retired Executives." There are SCORE chapters in most large cities.

I hope the above helps and wish you good luck in your venture.



We used to have one out here called Whatcha Want 4x4 but it was a small business and went under before long. Back home in Raleigh we have a place called 4wheeling of Raleigh they're a little overpriced on labor but as Junkpile said you get what you pay for.
Ok I know this is a Jeep board and you ask a Jeep question! Thats great but branch out your idea just a little unless you live in an all Jeep area. Think a little bigger and also do any and all 4x4 offroad mods and up keep. then your going to have a larger base to work form. just my 2 cents and oh yea Welcome and a big ol Jeep wave to ya! tug
I do all my work my self for two reasons.

1. I use to work on other people cars and every now and then a real nice car would come in (mustang, vette, something fast) and ya we took it for a little joy ride when all done!

2. The first and only time I took my jeep to a mechanic to have a clutch put in cause it was like negative 20 out side and I don't have a garage and the guy looks at it and says "wow nice land cruiser" Ya I drove around with a bad clutch till it got warmer out!

it was like negative 20 out side and I don't have a garage and the guy looks at it and says "wow nice land cruiser" Ya I drove around with a bad clutch till it got warmer out!

I guess it was just a 'post and run'. I wonder if she checked back to see the responses.

She never stated where she was thinking about doing this but I think that is one of the most important issues to deciding whether to do it or not. There is alot of 4 wheeling in someparts of the country and not as much in others. Your business could fail in a couple of months if there is nowhere nearby to go offroad. And I sure don't think that just specializing in Jeeps would be the right choice. There are too many other off road vehicles to sell to also.

Good luck.