

New member
I've been feelin pretty rough the past couple of days and last night I staggered into one of those 24 hour "urgent care" places last night with a 102.7 fever. They poked and prodded, drew blood, xray'd...I hate that stuff! Turns out I have (bacterial) pneumonia. Been wearing myself to thin I guess. The worst part is my son is Wrestling in a big tournament today and I'm not there for him :(.

I guess I should've learned my lesson by now to not wait to go to the doctor. My appendix almost burst one year 'cause I waited till I couldn't walk straight to go to the hospital.

Oh well some strong antibiotics and some really good prescription cough medicine ought to get me right in a couple days.

So I'm sitting here thinking I ought to go to the tournament. My wife is there with all 4 kids. Yeah... I'm going.
RE: hilarious mockup pic of my car! photoshopped!

that sucks, TC! just got over the crud that's been going around here myself. I would have gone to the tournament, too - you can always recover later. you're a good dad!! get yourself better!!!

Hang in there TC! Glad you decided to go the match, shows character as a dad. Now get yourself well... We'll put in an extra request for a speedy recovery with the "Big Boss" . on your behalf :wink:

autometer speedo install?

Thanks. My son took third place! Pretty awesome for a little over a year's experience in an "A" tournament.

If he can place in the top 6 in his next one he'll make the State tourney!!!!

Well I'm going to sleep.
crank position sensor

Geez, Twisted, that's not good... Stay off your feet, get pleanty of rest, and milk it for all it's worth :twisted: Might as well get something out of it...
Oh no!! Take care of number 1, so you can take care of everyone else in your life!!! Hope you feel better soon!
RE: First time Off-roading

I feel pretty good today. My eyes are still sore and all but I think I'm good to make my famous chili for our annual Superbowl party! Whew!

RE: Re: RE: Wait till your father gets home

TC this weather in our state really threw us off. In December and January it was so warm, then it really chilled up. That combined with everyone working too hard and being too stressed leads to alot of sick people!!! I had a crud for three weeks myself and finally went to the doctor and found out it was bronchitis. I sure hope you feel better soon. REST up please! I know that can be hard with that many children around. I'll pray for your wife. lol

RE: Dont know about water

Well i'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better now! Hope you get all the way better real soon though. Being sick really sucks!!

Congradulations to your son as well!!!!!