I have an 86 CJ7 with the 258 and T176 4 speed manual transimission. It hasn't been driven in a couple years because we've been restoring it.
Yesterday, I started it up and drove it out of the garage. After running for a while, it became impossible to put it into first gear. Reverse was difficult, and would make grinding noises. If I shut off the engine, it slides easily into first or reverse.
What is causing this? Someone told me the throwout bearing, but could it be something simpler, like adjusting the clutch linkage? The clutch starts to grab about an inch or two off the floor.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I have an 86 CJ7 with the 258 and T176 4 speed manual transimission. It hasn't been driven in a couple years because we've been restoring it.
Yesterday, I started it up and drove it out of the garage. After running for a while, it became impossible to put it into first gear. Reverse was difficult, and would make grinding noises. If I shut off the engine, it slides easily into first or reverse.
What is causing this? Someone told me the throwout bearing, but could it be something simpler, like adjusting the clutch linkage? The clutch starts to grab about an inch or two off the floor.
Thanks in advance for any help.