Please help with my S-10


New member
OK here is the deal I was driving my blazer the other day doing about 35 when it just shut off. I got it towed home and started trying to figure out what is wrong with it.

The Fuel pump does not sound like it is turning on at all. I am a little confused because I am not getting power to the fuel pump at all as far as I can tell. I replaced the relay the weird thing is that on the relay there is only one wire of the 4 with power. I thought relays would have one live then a switched that would send power to the pump. I am not sure if the wierd things going on could just be a bad fuel pump but I can't imagine why it would not have power to it. How can I check the pump or other things. Please help I need to get it fixed so I can sell it and get my wife something that runs. By the way I am also going to have to sell my Jeep if anyone is interested.
You could try jumping the relay to see if the pump does come on. Jump contact numbers 87 and 30 should send power to the pump to see if it turns on. If it does try starting it. I assume you have checked for spark and other obvious problems. Possibly bad relay, broken switch wire or switch itself, way to much it could be to list it all.

sounds to me like the puter is not energizing the relay. And the only power there is the source.
try jumping it like he said, if you cant get the pump to run there is the problem.
if it runs maybe the puter is dead... no codes ?
I have to charge the battery then I will try that. I did run a jump to the terminal that my book said under the dash on the diagnostic terminal but the pump did not turn on that I could hear. I put on a new relay so I am pretty sure that was not the problem. How do I know what contacts are 87, and 30? I think the gray wire sends power to the pump so maybe I will try to jump it and see what happens.

The Blazer just shot off so I did not think there would be any codes but I will check that too. If the pump is bad wouldn't the lead that trips the relay still have power when the key is on? That is what is really confusing me. Even if the pump is bad it should still be getting power. Any help would be appreciated I can not afford to take it to the shop.
sorry about the confusion about the terminals. Most relays use the these number to identfy which contact is which. These are used on XJ's and ZJ's for thier fuel pumps. I am not sure what type of relays chevy uses on thier conrols.
If you know which wire is the hot to the fuel pump from the relay that is the one you will need to apply voltage too. Test with a Ohmmeter to make sure it is not the direct ground of the relay. If the relay is "puter" controled like White suggested it might be you will have to see what triggers the puter to shut the Fuel pump off. Things that might shut fuel pump down for vary car to car. My mom had a Ford Tempo that shut the fuel pump down when you would hit a severe bump. Found it was a rollover sensor that was faulty. it would kinda sputter like is what running out of gas and then not start back up. since you have said it all of sudded quit is seems like it may be more to this than just a fuel pump. Try starting fluid to see if it will fire.

Wish I could help, but I'm generally clueless when it comes to complex electrical probs.

What's up with selling the Jeep?