Pick a puppet!!!


New member

The latest TIME poll came out today:

It's amusing how they go up and down and back and forth after every political event. You would think people would already have decided, but I guess not.

From the 3 choices, who do prefer to be in the White House for the next 4 years?

Remain anonymous, just vote. If you want to comment go for it, but I'm not trying to find out who's voting for who, just curious to see what the consensus on Jeepz is.

I was really, really tempted to pick Darth vader.
Nader only serves to sway votes toward GW. It's a fruitless endeavor...I know he thinks he's doing the right thing, but he's not. IMO

GW will win on a Jeep board by about 3 to 1...easy.
BTT Cmon folks, vote!

I edited out my last post 'cause I really just want to see how this turns out.

Comments are welcome, but I'm holding mine back (for once) :oops:

I'm forced to cast a vote for Bush. He is the only choice worth making. I like Bush to an extent, but there are alot of things he does that make me cringe. Somewhere along the lines, he forgot the main criteria for calling yourself a conservative. A reduction in the size and spending of government is something that we will NEVER see under this man's leadership. "Personal freedoms" also seems to be very low on his priority list. He IS good with most foreign policy issues in my opinion, and this is about as good a time as any to have a president with a "we don't take no chit from nobody" attitude.

Kerry is a UN boot licker. He is a weak man with no real convictions and when the stakes are as high as they are at his level, he should be considered a joke. Anyone who has ever voted, or is thinking of voting for this man should be ashamed of themselves.

Nader?......aaaahahahahahahaha!!! Even Nader doesn't want Nader for a president!!
Junkpile said:
Anyone who has ever voted, or is thinking of voting for this man should be ashamed of themselves.

Funny, I was going to say the same things about people voting for GW. :wink:

mingez said:
Junkpile said:
Anyone who has ever voted, or is thinking of voting for this man should be ashamed of themselves.

Funny, I was going to say the same things about people voting for GW. :wink:

I guess I left myself open for that one :roll: Are you voting for Kerry? Or are you saving it for the Hilda-beast in 2008? :lol: