Paragon rule changes


New member
xj rear end

Paragon has changed ownership, and along with that has changed some rules.

Short side of the link is, you can no longer guide yourself through Paragon, with out "guide training". It's free, and takes about a half hour to and hour.

This is going to effect our ride there in April. With the large number of people we have going, we are going to need to split into a few groups..maybe 3. Something like a Modified group, a Stocker group, and everybody else..type thing.

I have talked to Tom, and we have thought of some people that would be good to guide. Obviously, Tom would be a guide. Next was Frankie, then John. This isn't something that you guys HAVE to do..I just thought you would be the best for both of you are somewhat familiar with Paragon, and are know your stuff. Also, ecor, I don't know you, but do you know your way around Paragon? If so would you like to guide???

Please let me know if you would be willing to guide. If we don't want to split the Jeeps by mods, we can all just split up and go for it.

If you have any questions about this trip..(ecor, and joe from ny, and frankie) email me

So if since it's my first time to the paragon I need to take a guide tour thingy? Or is that only for stockers...

Nevermind, I read the link.
My understanding of the rule is that 1 person in your group need to be trained..therefore they would be your guide.

This is for only unguided rides. You can hire a guide for a fee...then you wouldnt need to take the training. :D

I forgot to say, you've never been??! :shock: DAMN! You GOTTA come down with us!!!!!
I'm still waiting to see if my truck is back together or not. If things go well then it should be. I know my way around pretty well also one of the guys that is coming down with us used to be a guide every now and then. I can check with him and see i9f he is interested. I would hate to say that I would do it and then not be able to come. I will know more as time get closer.

i don't know if i'm doing the whole weekend or not yet. i'll keep you guys informed. laura, do you know if you have to make an appt. to take the guide course or if you can just show early and take it any weekend? if i stay the whole weekend i'll guide for you guys in april. i just can't take the course till april when my cast comes off. :(
Frankie..i sent you an email. But, i'll let ya know here, too. It's all good if your not doing the whole weekend. I figrue there will be a lot of 1 dayers.

I don't know about the appt. I would assume not because Kyle didn't put that in his post on the Paragon forum..BUT I am defintally going to check that for sure!!

ECOR..It's all good. If you guys are coming just let me know. I'm pretty sure I remember that you guys are petty highly modified?? Am I right?
new rules sound good to me.. hell, if your not willing to sit thru a 1/2 hour guide class, you probably shouldn't be wheeling anyway.

Yeah, i'm with you...anyways it's free, and Paragon is wicked worth it.
I checked with a couple of people up hear and they are willing to do the guide thing. We need to know if you can take the training that morning just be there early. We have a wide range of vehicles. Stock to heavy mods, so we are trying to cover all the bases and make sure all will be good. Like I said before I am hoping to have my truck back together before the run, for now it looks like it should be. If everything is back together then I wuld have no problems being a guide.
OK, wicked cool

I'm ASSUMING we can show up early and do the training...but I am gonna find out for sure. Actually, I'm hoping that's how they do it.

God!!!! I wish I could go :cry: Next time maybe how would have though kids could be so much work..duh! Im kidding Alex always comes first. And if it means not owning another yj or going on any long trips for another year or two so be it. Jeep is in my blood and I will never fade away. My day will come :wink: have fun everyone and be safe