ouch! that hurts


New member

heard some lower end noises from my 258 and pulled the pan, beraings trashed and crank dont look all that good either. oh well might have to put the 302 on the backburner for now. this is my everyday ride and i need it quick. have to rebuild the 258. gonna miss my jeep. probably be down for couple weeks. sux. dont know what caused it . oil pressure seemed fine and it looks like everything was getting lubed. gonna check the rods,maybe some out of round. hope i can turn crank. aaahh. have access to a chevy 2WHEEL DRIVE truck. hope noone sees me! suuuxxxx...[addsig]


Sorry dude. My thoughts will be with you durring this time of healing. :p tug[addsig]

I to feel your pain, mine has been out of order for a month. My rear end s**t the bed. I just got my hands on a replacement, not looking foward to the bill.
Keep the faith.[addsig]


I feel your pain. mine just got out of the shop friday after a week and a half in the shop. At least you have a vehicle you can drive in the iterim (?spelling). I had to whore rides to and from school and work.


ouch the 2 wheel drive chevy is the worst part, at least its not a ford

Hey! I was born and raised ford. Every ford I have owned has been indestructable. I had an 88 F150 that had 250K on the clock and still ran like a dream, next was a 97 escort with 176K and I beat the hell out of that thing. Finally traded the escort in for a Jeep. It was well worth it, but I still miss the milage the escort used to get(40 compared to my current 15)


haha sorry man im just pro jeep anti everything else

I had to whore rides to and from school and work

i know how that goes man, i love the way you said it tho lol, whoring :lol: :lol: [addsig]


I was raised Ford or Forign. No to Dodge, and no to Chevy! I still like a ford second to Jeep! Why old habbits are hard to break. Tug :-D [addsig]