OT-Terrorisim getting closer? Bay Bridge, MD


New member

How many of you heard the news last night and today that a Hamas operative has been detained and has seven videotapes of the Bay Bridge structure and workings?

I guess an off duty policeman noticed his suspicious action of taking pictures of the pylons and cables and turned him. He is also held on a Chicago terrorisim case.

Kinda brings it all close to home for Marylanders. I'm lower shore but I still cross that big ole bridge several times a year.

Our terrorist threat is not being raised as yet but people that cross the bridge every day for work and school are worried.

I would be too. I thought the Pentagon strikes were close, this is even closer.



Here in Texas on the border it is very scary as well. Not about 2 weeks ago a South African woman was caught coming across the border, most would think she is an illegal from Mexico. Turns out she had a bunch of cash and was trying to get to New York. Read the story here:


The borders of this country, esp the south, are WIDE OPEN.

We should put our military boys on the border and dare em' to come on in.

We all should be looking out for this kind of goings on, we can't think that the police and FBI and do it all. Although they do a great job most of the time with what they have.


You aren't kidding. Read the article and have read others before on the US Borders down south. It's a scary situation. I had the opportunity to cross a border down there one time while on a business trip. It would have been on my own personal time and I was going with a group. We were warned ahead of time about the area we were going into and the means of getting across and the common negative aspects of crossing a border like that. We chose not to cross. I really wanted to but on the other hand, I was scared to death of being robbed, detained, beaten, or whhatever before I could get back home.

Here is the link to the Bay Bridge Article, for those that haven't seen it:


We gotta continue to look out for each other these days!

I would have to say that they are looking at every bridge, major commerce center. etc. I am not all that worried about it. THe way I look at it is, I can live my life in fear (in which case they have won), or I can go on with my life and enjoy it while I can... I choose option #2. If they decide to try and hit a bride, there is nothing you can tdo to stop them anyway, so you might as wall go across it, chances are that it will not happen.

PS: I live 10 miles from a nuclear powr plant and am not worried.

I love you attitude man, that is awesome!

I don't want anyone to live in fear either. I will continue to do anyting I want to, but I will be vigilant and ready to kick some butt if needed.
Their not taking over this country, not on my watch.
I don't think anyone should sit at home and be scared and hope that law enforcement keeps us all safe. The police can't even keep us safe from domestic crime as it is. Pesonal safety is personal.

But when we know, as a society that our guard is down on the borders or where ever, we should speak up and see that it gets fixed. I think we pay plenty of taxes to expect to have some measure of protection and for who does get through and tries to hurt us, we need to go Charlie Daniels on em'.

ust got home. I agree with you likewise. I said I was worried but not that I wasn't going to use the bridge anymore. I'd never let a threat get in the way of my life like that.

I know people that will worry themselves to death over stuff like that but it only takes what 2 minutes to cross the bridge? I'd rather have some apprehension durin that 2 minutes by worrying about it when I get there than letting it destroy me now.

I merely was just surprised to see that bridge in the news that way. To us here, its not a major deal of a bridge but when you sit back and think of it I guess it really is quite a bridge, construction and otherwise. The other travel alternatives are hours out of the way.

Anyway! Jeep on my friends.
The guy's lawyer is a jewish man named Cohen. Hamas claim to fame is killing Jews and terrorizing Israel. Talk about selling out!

Anyhow, the Lawyer is whining that it was a case of profiling and that the off-duty officers were being racist.

I'd say he's right on both of those and I'm damn glad they were. :wink:

Intelligent profiling is good.

I say we have to not become complacent. I don't think that being a bit more on guard means that they've "Won". On the contrary, they (all of our enemies) want us to forget.

And don't forget about those crazy "american pie folk" in the center of the country buying large amounts of fertilizer. Enemies of the state come in all shapes and sizes. :wink:
mingez said:
Intelligent profiling is good.

I say we have to not become complacent. I don't think that being a bit more on guard means that they've "Won". On the contrary, they (all of our enemies) want us to forget.

And don't forget about those crazy "american pie folk" in the center of the country buying large amounts of fertilizer. Enemies of the state come in all shapes and sizes. :wink:

Excellent point, as usual, Mingez. Timothy McVey bought his fertilizer just a few miles from my home town, bought the barrels just a few miles from my birthplace, and drove the truckbomb right past my house, less than 50 feet from my front door. My aunt runs a shop two blocks from the old Murrah building and has permanent hearing loss from the blast. Terrorism is much closer than any of us would like to believe, yet we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent. Don't put an end to your day to day activities, just be more vigilant in doing so. Who knows, it could be you that stops the next attack by reporting that guy with the cameras and dufflebags looking at the support beams of a parking garage, a mall, a bridge, or government building. Maybe he's a tourist, maybe he's a letch on a mission from Allah.....either way, reporting it is the right thing to do!

Rock on, dudes and dudettes!!!
I like what 90Xjay is saying. Get some big guns on the boarder and lets regulate this stuff a bit.

"Anyhow, the Lawyer is whining that it was a case of profiling and that the off-duty officers were being racist."

Whats wrong with profiling?

Out and About/Do You Hate your State?

judge09 said:
"Anyhow, the Lawyer is whining that it was a case of profiling and that the off-duty officers were being racist."

Whats wrong with profiling?

Nothing, as long as it's "qualified" folks doing it. But it's necessary to do it. I've changed my mind on the subject from against to for. And I'll tell you why:

Problem is, most Americans are unable to tell the difference between a Sikh, a Muslim, an East Indian and an Israeli. What are the differences? 4 different religions, 4 different cultures, and 4 different languages all of them just as American as you or I. Totally different people, but to the average guy in Denver Colorado, they look the same.

So many Americans will be unnecessarily accosted, and don't get me wrong, it's better than the alternative, but at the cost of some civil liberties. That being said, I'd rather stop the bombs and hurt some feelings, than being hindered by walking on egg shells about ethnicity...but that's easy for me to say, I'm not arab looking.

It's a tough subject, because one could argue that they (our enemies) have "Won" once we single out a certain ethnicity of Americans and change our moto to "Liberty and Justice for all" to that of: "Liberty and Justice for all who don't resemble terrorists" Many Muslims are "Asian" or "black". But the profile shows that the greatest threat comes from Hamitic Arab Muslims, at least the "Extremist" ones, thus the profile.

It's an unfortunate reality, but there's no way around it. But again, INTELLIGENT profiling is necessary. "Joe Moron Rentacop" may not be a qualified profiler, but he can call the folks that are. And if the choice is saving people vs. saving hurt feelings...no contest. You must save lives first and foremost.

My dad and I had this discussion and he asked me a question that stuck with me ever since. He asked, "If you were to ask every Arab-American who died in the Twin Towers if they would have preferred we stopped the attacks by use of racial profiling, what would they have said?" Obviously they would have opted living with racial profiling.

--From that moment on, I've changed my position on the subject. I now support profiling...done correctly.
mingez said:
--From that moment on, I've changed my position on the subject. I now support profiling...done correctly.

I think alot of us have had to change quite a few views on things over the past 4 years. Some for good - some not.
Profiling is good. I do it all the time. So do each and every one of you. It's common sense.

I don't think the military belongs on our borders unless we are actively being attacked to the extent that law enforcement and the national guard is overwhelmed or War has been declared on our soil. And they aren't there to fight domestic terrorism, that's the job of law enforcement.

The locking of the borders is a step backwards, but at the same time is completely understandable. Our enforcement of laws that are there to actually protect us from threat have been diluted by the useless feel good programs such as the War on Drugs and hate crime task forces. Politically correct feel-good unAmerican BS runs rampant. Anybody can look back on history and see times when the grip on the American culture has slipped. It used to be understood that when you came to America, you became an American and people who were born here strived to complete the goals that that those before them sacrificed for. Why is it that every country in the world should be proud of their heritage and culture......except America? Now it seems the pride and prestige of calling yourself an American is way down the list of reasons for coming here. Screw the rest of us, screw OUR traditions, screw OUR history. Locking the borders is the only way to control that as long as we continue on the path we are going.
WE made ourselves look weak, and some dudes who thought they were tougher took a cheap shot. WWII survivors must shake their heads when the discussion turns to this clusterfu@k we call the War on Terrorism. It really bothers me that a large part of our population will do backflips in an attempt to apply the American constitution to people that in no way qualify for those sacred rights, but will gladly strip their fellow citizen of those same protections.

Here-here Junk! I agree. Just gotta be careful. I personally wouldn't call profiling "Good" but rather a "necessary lesser of 2 evils." Profiling before it became a security buzzword used to be synonymous with the word "Stereotyping." And yes it's good in some respects and bad in others. For example, profiling in the job place is not a great methodology.

I don't want to be politically correct (you all know I'm not) but there is a fine line between profiling and racial harrassement. And the subject, with all do respect, is much easier for people who don't fit the profile to swallow. "Freedom" is fragile, and to have it taken away because of how a person looks is harder to swallow.
But again, it's better than the alternative: casualties.

Like my dad said...you can't celebrate the liberties and rights of a dead person.