OT-Ordering Pizza in the future

RE: Going newer... Got Questions.

OMG!!! I just realized that site is a prop for the ACLU :shock:

I'm... ::cough:: gonna... ::gag:: Hu..

Just Kidding Lady :wink:
TwistedCopper said:
OMG!!! I just realized that site is a prop for the ACLU :shock:

I'm... ::cough:: gonna... ::gag:: Hu..

Just Kidding Lady :wink:

I was wondering if anyone else noticed that!

RE: How

Very good. And sadly, true in some cases i am sure.
Maybe I'm just scared or some sort of closet conspiracy theorist or something, but aren't we already going down this road......completely voluntarily? I'm hate to even think about how our private information will used against us in the future. I won't even take one of those GPS phones because it's too easy for someone to pinpoint my location. I'll NEVER have a car with OnStar(sp?), that's just too freaky and intrusive. If I lock my keys in the car, I'll find another way to get in. If they can unlock your car, what else can they do? When will law enforcement start getting warrants to have Onstar start locating suspected criminals? How about killing the ignition on your car or alerting the police if you commit a moving violation?
I've heard about how people refused to use credit cards when they first became mainstream because of how it was too dangerous to have that financial information floating around. I can see where they were coming from when I see the very real threat that modern technology has on our private lives. I'm just not so willing to give away my rights for a little bit of implied security, to happily go where we are headed as a society.

That example sounds like how it would be if the Homeland Security department was in the pizza business. They could call it the Patriot Pizza Company.