OT....No more pledge? :-(


New member

Have just been hearing on the news that the reciting of the pledge of allegiance is going to be outlawed in schools in several states on March 10. It has been deemed "unconstitutional" because it has the words "under god" in it. Here are the states.


Personally I think this is an outrage. I grew up reciting the pledge every school day and I was PROUD to pledge my allegiance to our great flag and nation! I was taught the pledge in school and what it meant and I think that it is sad that my (future) kids may never get this priveledge. What is our nation coming to?

A nation divided against itself shall not stand! - Abraham Lincoln

Sounds like our nation is becoming more divided by the day :-(


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all![addsig]


Here Here

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

The country was founded on In God We Trust. Tug[addsig]

oh yeah almost forgot...while we are at it...lets ban the National Anthem! It has "God" in it (third stanza)...America the Beautiful will be gone as well! Not to mention God Bless America...shoot they might as well ban currency as well.."In God We Trust". This is so retarded!![addsig]

I, not being one for belief in organized religion...sorry for all those who are offended by that...truly believe in separation of church and state (one of the principles this country was founded), but there is a line to be drawn. As far as I'm concerned...this is the best place to live a free life. If you are convinced that you can be better off in a different country...I'm sure we will all pitch in and buy you a plane ticket. I was raised reciting the pledge...and proud of it. Regardless of whether a higher power exists or not...many brave and dedicated people lost their lives, families, and dreams to make this land what it is today...and that is the best damn country on this chunk of rock floating through the universe. So...if you desire to have the confident arrogance to look a gift horse in the mouth...don't forget those who sacrificed their lives to allow you that luxury to be particular about the jargon utilized in our anthems. Long babbling short...a lot of good pep's met their maker to give those picky a$$h@le$ the freedom to ponder about the lexicon of their forefathers. Why not just have pride in what we have become as a nation, and not try to destroy the inherent beliefs that have carried us here? You get the point...if you don't...I'm sure there's a ticket with your name on it...[addsig]


Well put Natty, Thats the greatest thing about this country. I do believe in my God. You do not see it and hey that is all well and good. I seen a guy that worshiped a rock cool I dont see it well and good. We are Americans and not everything works for everyone. However when something works and has for over 200 years why go and start changeing it all around cause of a few and I mean a very few are unhappy and are haven their feelings hurt, or feeling left out cause the rest of the class is saying something that they feel they can't say. Just stand there and shut up till the rest of the class gets done. I did that with home work turn ins all the time. hehehe Harsh subject to understand but it is real and there will be no winner. We will all loose if we start to outlaw our past. Tug[addsig]

It's getting to be a sad world we live in. I feel bad for my kids having to grow up in such a screwd up society of political correctivness and liberalism. I grew up wanting to raise my family like a leave it to beaver type family where I worked, the wife stayed home with the kids(def not possible w/today's economy), children had respect for their elders where they never called an adult by their 1st name. but not in today's world. kids pretty much are allowed to do and say what they want with little or no retribution. The gov't is robbing people of their freedoms such as the pledge of allegance, right to bear arms, hell Delta Airlines is now doing credit and background checks on it's passengers and labeling each person with a risk code. All I want to say is it's not the same place I grew up and it's sad to say I feel for the future of what was once a great place to call home...............Bullet[addsig]

Its not outlawed here yet. Hope its not true about being oulawed. Later :wink: Sully[addsig]


Since the statement about "seperation of church & state" has been brought up let me ask this question. Where in the United States Constitution do you see the the words saying there must be a seperation of church & state? The answer is simple, no where does it state that. But what it does say is that you cannot be persecuted for your beliefs and that you cannot be told or made to believe any specific religion. Yes by all rights the part about God in the pledge is unconstitutional. Think about the words. It is making you pledge allegiance to the United States as a nation under God. While yes I do believe there is a God there are those who don't and this does in fact infringe upon their rights. Yes it is pretty messed up that things have come to this but hey lets just change the pledge back to what is once was and eliminate the under God reference. Then all parties can be happy and the case can be closed.[addsig]

The phrase "Under God" was added by President Eisenhower. I think it's very appropriate. If you don't believe in God, that's fine, but I'm sick of atheists doing what they tell me not to do. That is, forcing their beliefs on me. Also, atheism is now considered a religion, ever since the American Atheist's asked for tax exemption status under the same rules that churches are. The Constitution says that the Government will not force a religion on people. Not take religion out of everything. It says they will not "establish" a religion. Also, all those judges and the attorney that's bringing this lawsuit, all took pledges ON THE BIBLE and TO GOD when they became judges and attornies. So does that make their jobs "unconstitutional"? Also I wonder if they got married in a church? Because if they did, then that's not separation of church and state. Hmmm, I wonder where the courts got the idea that murder, stealing, lieing, adultery and other things are wrong? If you're truly offended by the cross, that ought to tell you something! Also, this notion that our forefathers hated religion, is ridiculous. Get the book "America our Godly heritage" It's really interesting.

Sorry, I'll get off my pulpit/soapbox now.[addsig]

I have no problem with "one nation under god". It is the "indivisible" part that I do not care for. Abe Lincoln shredded the Constitution and gave us this overbearing Imperial Federal Gov't that takes away our rights and freedom more and more every day. If you say "don't like it,get out", well, we tried in 1861...... Have a Dixie Day! :-x [addsig]


isnt that impossible? the pledge of allegiance to our country is unconstitutional? so by saying we pledge allegiance to our country, we are going against the constitution? im not seeing how they could justify that.[addsig]

not that I don't believe in a God...just not organized religion. 12yrs of hell...um...I mean Catholic school. I don't believe all that "if you're not one of us you all are going to be riding shotgun in Satan's Jeep" stuff. Actions in life prove worth...many good people in other religions.[addsig]

In no way is it forcing religion on anyone... the pledge has nothing to do with an organized religion... if so... tell me what religion... "god" is a general term... by keeping a traditional american recital... it is in no way "forcing" religion on anyone... When I was a child in school, when we recited the pledge, I don't remember any teacher ever stopping in the middle of the pledge and going back and restating it because one kid refused to say it. Nobody is forced to say that part, nobody is even forced to recited the pledge itself. in NO way is it unconstitutional. Personally, I don't care whether the phrase is in there... I believe what I believe, no simple group of words will change that, nor will it change that for anyone... it is STUPID to believe that ANYONE will ever recite the pledge and ever think "wow... it said 'under god'... that must mean that I have no choice but to believe in god, and while i'm at it, I guess I owe my allegence to a mere flag rather than the mation it represents" If anyone takes the words for their literal status and believe that stating such tradition will affect or force opposition on our beliefs... then they should lighten up and stop forcing their ignorance and bitching upon the rest of us. I'm religious... I don't get upset when people exhibit their belief in the non-existence of god... its not my place to show them otherwise or to tell them that they cannot express it. and again... this is not to offend anyone.... just to express my belief in allowing people to be. if someone is not hurting anyone... if they are not negatively affecting anyone... why go through the trouble of bothering them?[addsig]


Just an oppinion. I can understand why the founding fathers wanted to, seperate church and state.
What I can´t understand is what God has to do with, organized religion. I really don´t get it. Organized religion, seems to be a codified program to reach a goal. God seems to be something bigger than the idividual. A new born, and most all but the few individuals that are damaged beyond awarness, relize there is something out there, beyond ones self. Call it God or whatever, ask for a definition, I´d have to say somewhere between Love and sorrow, of course those are hard to define also, most feelings are.
All I believe for sure, is that hacking at the roots of tradition, with destabilize the tree and wether it leans left or right, or comes tumbling down all together, it probably won´t be as good as it is right now.
What do they have in mind to replace it with? Hail Cesaer? Let anarchy prevail? I pledge alegance to my own selfish ideal? I pledge to remove all reference to God? Communists tried that, didn´t work well for them.
People have been, aware there is something bigger out there, since there was people. They´ve called it many things. Doing away with the word God, isn´t going to change that, it´s just gonna mess with a tradition, that really isn´t half bad as an ideal and a reminder that there is something going on out there, bigger than self.[addsig]

I Thank my GOD for you true Americans, who are sounding off here.
WHEN in the Course of human Events,
it becomes necessary...............

and to assume among the Powers of the Earth,..the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind.....

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by

their Creator

with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness--
Seems pretty clear that the benefits we reap from this Genesis of our Country,
are very plainly expressed as being based on a belief.

Somethings that have been crossing the mind of an Old Military Police Officer.

First they said, "Don't spank'm, TIME OUT is the way"

I saw an eight year old boy
run over an eighty year old woman at the store.
He didn't even look back,
his mother said ne'r a word.
I helped her up,,,,
but didn't say a word, It's not MY kid!
His mother should have snatched him up.
neither of us did.

Heard today that,
"The Pledge of Allegience of the United States"
is unconsitutional,
Ignorant fools have not read what the Constitution says,
how can they presume to know what is dis-allowed.
But you know,,,, that's not MY state.

Thank God it will never happen here......

Nothing more American than Baseball & Texas, ,
but if you want to ask for God's Blessing
(Student Invocation) at a High School game in Texas,
some have had to go to court. Some win, some lose,
but no prayer ever killed 3000 innocent people.
and I graduated long ago saying prayers,
but it's not MY school. anymore?

Now they want to never hear again,
"GOD Bless America, my home sweet home."
Well, we all know the song, we learned it in school,
before we were called to save the world
from past tyranical powers.

Millions have paid, all over the world with their lives,
and Some of us remain who still believe and understand.
Wonder how many 'crips', bloods, don't spank'm
- give away worker's money to those who won't work,
but will breed for profit,

and alien non english speaker's
who will vote the official language spanish,
arab, or korean, in our life time,

can remember what we learned at Home, Church, and School.
and pass it on to those children they have brought to our world.

Why not ask them when you see them,
Yo Yo Yo, say hey bro, you know the pledge.
(read very carefully between the lines... always. :-D. )

It's not MY: kid

It's not MY: family

It's not MY: church

It's not MY: God

It's not MY: gun
It's not MY: school
It's not MY: state
It's not MY: language

It's not MY: Country ?
It's not MY: fight
It's not MY: life / death / Freedom ?
It's not MY: fault ?

it seems, anymore, it's no one's fault.
.. yet, It will be soon...

and NOW

If we forsake our foundation and duty,
then soon, there will be no one left,,

I will tonight, as always, pray for all of our safety.

And, as always,

I will, stand my post ....
for you patriots.

You and those you hold dear,
can sleep safe on our watch. :lol: :lol:

edited by: USMPK9, Mar 05, 2003 - 01:02 AM[addsig]

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!

I served under this flag and am damn proud of this flag and what it stands for I can't beleive these pussi** can't stand up to the public and say deal with it what a joke the are ....a bunch of jellyfish......... :-x :-x :-x [addsig]