Okay, THAT freaked me out!


New member
Motocraft 2150 Carb

I was reading through this forum and all of a sudden AIM opened up all by itself, auto-signed on (as I had it set to) and when my buddy list came up an IM window opened. It was from "The Baztard" (I have no idea who that is) and it said in the message window:
"Hello, are you there?"

I immediately closed the window, closed aim, then saw the icon on my desktop turn blue like someone clicked it one time, then it went normal like a second click was made. I immediately got offline, and hit cntrl/alt/del one time to bring up what applications were running and I didn't see anything unusual.

I went into my firewall and blocked all AOL ( I don't use AOL anyhow) activity. Checked my intrusion log - nothing.

Made sure all my firewall/anti-virus, etc was up to date - it was/is.

What the hell happened here? I haven't used AIM in months, and never had it startup on it's own. I'm sure I didn't click it either.

I'm getting back offline for a while and am going to run through the scan processes for viruses/spyware/etc.

Anybody have a clue? Be back in a while.

I'm not liking this one bit. :evil:

RE: Re: Can

Why does that name sound familiar... I swear I have heard that name before...

I have no suggestions here...
Could be a trojan horse. Or maybe a java script. Are you running SpyBot SD? That can detect a lot of garbage that can trigger stuff like that. You may want to get the companion program listed in the SpyBot progarm called SpywareBlaster. It watches ActiveX and Java scripting.


Motorcraft 2150, kinda need info quick.

The baztard is snitty's AIM screen name.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Jeep Hurricane WOW! 2 Hemi

Mystery solved. I just went to a thread Snitty posted in to see if he listed his AIM username.

He does. I clicked it to verify what Sully wrote.

My AIM opened, and an auto PM to The Baztard from me said "hello, are you there?"

I guess I must have accidently clicked his "AIM" link at the bottom of his profile. I didn't realize the window that popped up was a message from me to him and not vise versa.

Man am I relieved. A little embarrased, but relieved. :oops:

I still don't understand the icon on the desktop thing, but whatever...
Aren't computers, and the internet in particular, wonderful?!?!?! I'm havin' problems with mine, but I'm suspecting my video card is calling it quits. If I can ever get it to stay booted for more than five minutes, a virus scan and spyware scan are in order. I hate these machines, especially since they've taken over our Jeeps!!!!!
There's nothing worse than the "Snitty" virus. Next thing you know, your jeep has square headlights and there's nothing...NOTHING you can do about it. Bwa ha ha ha haaaa! :lol: