newbie seat belt question


New member

hi all,
great info on these boards. Here is something I should have checked before I bought my 1991 wrangler. Can you modify it somehow to add rear shoulder belts for the kiddies? Know now that I should have tried to find a 92, but this one was too sweet to pass up. Thanks in advance for any help.


I dont believe that you can, UNLESS you change out the rollcage.[addsig]

Well, I don't see why not. You would have to be creative and make sure that you plan it out very well. It will look different, but I'm sure that if you analize what you are woking with, you can comeup with something.-Al[addsig]

Maybe a second connection behind the seat, near the Gate. Then you can come up over the seat, across, then to the Front floor mount. When pulled across to buckle, it should be a shoulder and lap belt. Some Modificationbs may have to be done to the seat (i.e. hand sewn belt loop to keep the seat belt from around the neck) but I think it could actually work.[addsig]

Jeepinstien, If bobbie is not interested in that cage, My I have a friend that is most likely interested! I will give him a call tonight or tomorrow and give ya a response. How much do ya want for it??

you guys are great
jeepinstien where are you located??
just last night I was loking to see where I could weld addt'l bars or where to add a harness on the rear floor, (if the rust holds)

The '92+ cage is a direct bolt in, only need 2 new holes in the forward floor plates. Otherwise, get some rear bars welded in like the '92, and add a spreader between the two where the bend is, at the top of the rear window. Then bolt in the seatbelts.

Don't skimp, make sure the mounting location is in the proper location, as is the '92+.
thanks for the advice.....can't skimp, dont want the kiddies falling out!! but that was what I was thinking, found what look like decent belts on tellico. I'll have to go measure up a 92+ somewhere.
so much work, so little summer left
bobbie said:
you guys are great
jeepinstien where are you located??
just last night I was loking to see where I could weld addt'l bars or where to add a harness on the rear floor, (if the rust holds)

I'm outside of New Orleans, La.
Whats it worth to ya?

What would you want????
I'm in Jersey, shipping would be huge, but worth it I'm sure. think I'm going to see if I can get addt'l bars welded on. Johnny posted interest in your cage too....don't know what my best way to go would be, but if you need a quick answer unfortunetly I'm out., have to go to the Poconos to watch cars turn left for a few hundred laps.

thanks much

Hows 75.00 plus shipping. Not sure how to ship. This is for the cage and the 2 front bars that attach to the wind shield.

two questions, does it have the padding and rear seat belts on it??
(askin a bit, aren't I) and can you guess a weight for me.
thanks heaps