Motorcraft Carb Gas Mileage?


New member
Ok, so its been about 3 tanks since ive done the swap and im maxing out at about 150miles on the odometer- when i had a working carter, i was getting between 220 and 240 on the odometer between tanks... what gives? Has anybody else been able to do the carb swap and maintain their original gas mileage or miraculously see an improvement? let me know cuz im gettin a little peeved about my 7-8 mpg.

thanks fellas, sorry im being such a stickler about this, but i keep having new questions come up. You guys are the best

Well, The first question I could think of is , is your carb running too rich Maybe? When you start it up or leave it run does alot of black soot get deposited on the ground behind you? I have the Motorcraft 2150 and I have been getting about 12-14 or so in the cold weather we have been having. I think that pretty good in the cold since I let it warm up for a few minutes(sometimes 5-10 when it was like 10 degrees out) before I go anywhere. They only other thing I could think of is maybe your choke is staying closed for longer than it should or maybe it is staying slightly closed all the time. that would cause you mileage.
how do you have your choke set up? As of right now, i only have electric, and it doesnt work the way its supposed to. If you have the manual, do you still have vaccuum going to the choke assembly or did you just plug it up?

I only have mine on electric too. Make sure you do have the heat tube for it plugged off if you don't have it hooked up to anything. As for making sure its right really the best thing to do it wait until you jeep it all warmed up and take off the air cleaner and make sure the choke is open all the way. The plate should be able to be completely verticle. If not loosed the three screws around the outside of the choke and turn the whole thing clockwise I think until its all the way open, but make sure its just there too. Meaning as soon as it is all the way open stop turning. You may neet to readjust the carb. If is completely warm and won't Idle with it openyou need to adjust the mixture until it will. I hope that heps.