You can run a slightly colder thermostat with OK results, don´t think I´d run lower than 185 or you gas mileage is going down noticiably. I´ve run a 190-192 with acceptable results. Have failed an emissions test with a 185, passed with a 192, if you have emission testing, something to think about.
I have a sticky thermostat now (gonna change soon), have noticed the idle changes with the temp. when the temp. is a little low, it idles higher and when a little hot it idles lower. In other words, the fuel to air and idle IAC, are somewhat controlled by motor temp.
When does yours over heat? If it´s at idle, the first suspect is a fan cluitch, they don´t fail all at once, but in stages. May start failing anytime after about five years old.
Also if you have to add much water/or coolant the calcium/kalk, settles to the bottom of the radiator and builds up over the years. Cutting off some of the flow.
Most guys that run in the hot country, at low speeds, usually change to a three row radiator, at some point. Many add hood vents.
A motor that is running lean for whatever reason, will overheat. Sometimes overlooked, usually happens at higher (top) speeds though. Lets you turn on the aux fan before the temp. gets too high.
Running the air-conditioner at low speeds for extended periods, is gonna overheat it most times, no matter what you do.
Many guys have said hood vents help, hot air backs up in the top of the motor, hood vents, help move the hot air out of the motor compartment.
Couple of possibles are, if the lower radiator hose has been replaced, the replacement is sometimes missing the spring (or it´s too short) to keep the bottom radiator hose from partially collapsing at higher RPM´s. Another is the A/C condensor or the radiator partially plugged with bugs, the fuzz off of cotton wood trees, mud or pollen. Sometimes the outside of the radiator looks fairly clean and the blockage is between the layers, where it´s hard to see.
Last note, the thermostat has changed some over the years, it´s some different from model run to model run. Be carefull what you put in there. On some model runs, the thermostat has a slightly lower profile than most standard thermostats.
Hope I´ve helped a bit.