Keep Us in Your Prayers


New member
My wife was rushed to the hospital the opther day with contractions and severe back pains. Problem is that shes not due till December 30th, and docotors have yet been able to find out whats wrong with her. All of her organs, i.e. kidneys, liver, pancreas, splean, and gall bladder are working fine. I have spent the last 2 nights sleeping on a chair in the hospital, and calling ton s of people to cancel our wedding party we were having today. I hate not knowing whats going on, but i hate more that my wife is pumped up on morphine and and is still hurting. The doctors still don't know whats going and i am oh so tired. I have had like 20 min cat naps for the past few days heere and there, but its hard to sleep when you are worried. Please keep my wife, myself and our unborn child in your prayers. I am heading back up stairs, but i would like to thank everyone in advance for everything.
Jim Veals

Sure am sorry to hear that. Keep the faith and we'll keep you in our prayers.
Prayer has gone out from the Keplinger Family in East Tennessee. My GOD have his will in this matter and recovery and relief come to you and yours. Tug

From Mrs. the words of e.e. cummings "i carry your heart. i carry it in my heart". Your in our prayers. The Lord loves children, just likes putting us through tests. Keep the faith and God be with you.

lower control arm bracket

My goodness, you and yours are in my thoughts... I hope all is well.


I am so sorry to hear this. I haven't been on the site in over a week. I hope things worked out for your wife. I have your family in my thoughts.
