just presented my graduation project!!! (passed too!)


Active member

well, yesterday i presented my graduation project at school... now i can graduate. :) for those not in the know, it was all about lifting my XJ... you can check out the powerpoint presentation i made at http://dingus.tqhosting.com/grad/grad.html

the grading went down as follows:
(distinguished = 4.0 quality, proficient = 3.0 quality...)
work habits - distinguished
research - proficient
support paper - proficient
product - distinguished
presentation - split distinguished/proficient



Wheeew! Do you feel like the world is off of your sholders! :p Tug[addsig]

Congrats man, in my school we have to do our grad projects during our junior year, so I did mine last year. I didnt have a jeep or i would have done it on offroading or something, but i was planning on purchasing a mustang, so I did my project on mustangs (the history and stuff) and i focused on the fox bodies and the racing aspect. Im my school its only pass or fail and you get .5 credit for it. Good work.[addsig]

yup! it was pretty cool... one of the guys grading me asked me if i would have lifted it even if there was no 'graduation project' and i said

"most likely, but this way i killed two birds with one stone; plus, i twisted my mom's arm into paying for part of it!" (my mom was in the room watching, too!) lol...[addsig]


Yeah man I gotta say congrats as well! At my school we didn't have a graduation project...just so long as you completed your credit requirements you graduated. There was one catch...if you didnt pass senior english you didnt graduate. Pretty funny huh. Well I graduated almost 3 years ago (Class of 2K) and it sure doesn't seem that long...once you are out of school the time goes by so fast.[addsig]