jeepin' words!!


New member
I have an idea........... it would be interesting to hear from all of you about trail terms and jeepin' words that we all use in our own little part of the world. for example, "icebox". no its not a cooler full of beer, up here in northern b.c. it is not uncommon to go wheelin in the mountains in aug. and find a shady piece of trail that still has about 6 feet of ice and snow on it. thus the nick name "icebox". now how about you guys, got any local terms of endearment to share with us?

"Dust Bowl": Sand Dunes that form a bowl. Very easy to get air.

"The Lomitas": Hills on outskirts of EP. Where races and testing of one's manhood occurs. Lot's of machismo. Also spanish for "little hills", but these hills are not small.

"Sand Drags": This isn't local term, but it's a drag race in the sand. Hence the term.
OWNED~ when you get stuck real good, you get owned! and if you get pulled out, you say HE/SHE WAS DONE.

THATS LOVE~ to quote stinky! when something happens, good bad or in-diferent. BUT. this term can only be used by Mike cause it just isn't the same coming from anyone else!

TOO MUCH SKINNY~ when you apply it too much gas, and the end result is not that favorable

WICKED~ Boston term followed by some ill-sounding babbling that never makes sence to anyone but us! ex... WICKED PISSA (something good) we generally use this term to describe anything in relation to a jeep. WICKED SUCKS (something bad)

NAWLOCKAHS~ really mean I have no lockers, when you accomplish something that other had problems with you proudly tout that you have no lockers by yelling NAWLOCKAHS

temporary loss of forward mobility............means that you aren't stuck till your walking home!