jeep keeps dyin out of no where

My '97 TJ (4.0L) does the same thing. Occasionally dies while idling at a traffic light. Starts right back up and runs fine until it randomly dies again. Anyone have any ideas what might be causing it.

Not too many suggestions to help you out here, so here's my 2 cents.

Too me, sounds like a possible ignition module. Fords were notorious for this symptem. And I believe a lot of Jeeps used the Ford ignition system. A way to check it out is, next time it dies, pour some cold water over the module. If it fires up right away, that's likely your problem. Or, you can have the module checked out at some auto parts stores, except they usually tend to say they are no good, just to sell a new one.
I had a similar problem with my '97 TJ. It turned out to be a problem with the fuel pump. I would work well when cold and shut down randomly when warm. Replacing the pump solved the problem.