jeep exhaust poping


New member
I just got this jeep yj from my dad he just passed away and i have a few problems with the motor well it leaks oil form the circle gaske on the head where the line that ges to the carbuertor and it stops leaking when i take off the gasket on the head and but the line in the hole with out the gasket and also the exzaust has a poping noise really anoying and it studers when i take off in first gear in hesitates but only in first gear is the carbuetor bad what can i do to fix the oil leak and poping exzaust.
Sorry to hear about your loss... That post is hard to follow with no punctuation.... I think the "circle gasket" is the PVC valve? The hesitating is usually a fuel/air issue either from the carb or the carb not getting supplied enough of one or the other.... The popping could be anyone of a number of things depending on the type of popping and whether you're accellerating or decellerating.... Sounds like you have enough issues and lack of auto repair knowledge that you should be taking this rig to someone who had a bit more experience.

I would get your oil problem figured out first, take it to a local mechanic and let him deal with that. The hesitation is probably a fuel issue, buy some carb cleaner, if that doesnt work id look into the filter and the pump. As far as the exhaust goes id buy a cat back system and get it over with, only after the problems above are fixed.
Welcome to the Z and sorry for your loss. Let’s get Dad jeep running good again. As the others have said you have a few things working here. First, the oil leak may be solved as simply as replacing the PVC valve and/or the gasket in the valve cover. A worst case scenario for this issue is ring failure allowing blow-by (pressure from the firing of the cylinders leaking past the rings) into the crankcase which pushes oil up and out the PVC value/fitting. Repair in that case generally means rebuilding the engine. I would start by picking up a compression tester and check each of the cylinders. Anything under 125 lbs or so could single trouble; anything 100 lbs or under and the motor is toast. There are two PVC like valves in the top of the valve cover and if either is plug you can have oil leak issues too so the fix may be cheap. How many miles are on the jeep? If high miles that would explain it but I have seen motors go with as little as 80K when not properly serviced along the way.

It it’s a carbureted YJ it must be a 1987 to 1990 model year. The carburetors and associated emission system tend to be problematic. There is a way to fix this too using what is called a Nutter Bypass. My bet is you have a bad carb and vacuum leaks and the combination is causing your bad performance. Here is a link to the way to do a Nutter:

The answerer may also be to replace the carb. (The Weber is NOT a good option)