I'm addicted

Hitch options

Thanks a lot. I hate you...Now I'm addicted too! LOL.

Although I haven't reached the bottom yet. Cool game.

I got a 290, it said I was really close to the bottom. How do you do the one where the turtle is right under the rock you're standing on? it won't let you turn after you jump......
ok i must confess, i havent beaten it yet either. i gave it to my friend last night while he was studying for a midterm, and he stopped studying and beat it....and told me there's a treasure at the bottom!!

as if you guys werent hooked enough, now you really have to beat it to find out what that treasure is!
210 Wooo Hoooo! Love this little game. Shame on you Adam! lol You have to jump on the turtles, btw. Thanks for sharing this one! The music is great.


LadyJeepFreak said:
210 Wooo Hoooo! Love this little game. Shame on you Adam! lol You have to jump on the turtles, btw. Thanks for sharing this one! The music is great.

isnt it though? i was mad at it last night cause i couldnt beat it, but the music was so soothing so i just let it run in the background of my computer and fell asleep to it :wink:
It's just a treasure chest, and it'll give you points for opening it, plus the points you get for making successful jumps. I got 1760. Didn't even make the list.

110 on my first and last try. (2 turtles down - not very far)
cj parts fs in ma.

You're right, it's addicting. Finally made 2120.....still not on the list :evil: . I think we need to get a Jeepz'er on there!


1740, finally made it to the bottom, the treasure chest makes it all worth it!

so i guess to get on the scoreboard, you gotta be quick, cause it seems that if you make it to the bottom, you get roughly the same amount as most everyone else, so you just gotta do it quicker, and you get the hefty time bonus.
Allright, bchcky, I think I'm goin' to hunt you down and put a big mojo on you and all your descendants!!!!! I've made it to 2340, still not on the list........(can you say "addicted"?!?!). When I finally make it (and I'm sure I will), I'm going to sign is as "JeepZ", or maybe just "Z".......keep checkin', one of us'll get there. Curse you and your gaming links!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Check the high scores - got us on there ('tho they reset them every now and then). JeepZ Rules!!!!!