If you're bored like me......


New member
i'm sound damping my pickup truck today, and although its time consuming, and it is certainly something TO DO, i am out of range of any kind of stereo, and being there all alone is somewhat boring.... :cry: :cry: so inbetween laying strips of deadener, i am cleaning house/fiddling with the computer/ eating / anything else to keep me occupied. ANYWAY...
to the point....
i found an interesting site, this guy has about his 84 cj-7 It looks like a pretty sweet little ride, and he's got tons of videos and pictures up there. Take a gander if you haven't already seen it. :) :wink:
thats a tight cj-7, i like the name kermit too. I once seen an old bug with the same color paint job that they called kermit, it was prostyle. Justin

Found that carburator leak....

Sweet site! Dude knows how to wheel. Someone should E-mail that cat and see if he wants to join jeepz.com!!
