I have a question


What eould be the best wax for the jeep and interrior protectant and what is the best stuff to protect the soft top you replys are greatly appreciated thanks

Re: the interior, I am fond of good old armour all... I usually clean the surfaces (if dirty) with glass cleaner, then armour all it... I try to wash it once a week, and when I do, I just give it a quick wipe down with the armour all wipes, dashboard, seat backs and sides, center console, instrument panels, and interior door panels... Re: the exterior, I just wash, too lazy to wax. Re: a soft top, no idea... Can't get the darned thing to fit on the Cherokee, so it sits in the garage :lol:
As far as the interior, I've always preferred good old soap and water, I hate Armor All. It's greasy, nasty stuff that tends to collect more dust than an interior without it. I almost wrecked my Camry when I bought it because the idiot detailers put Armor All on the steering wheel and made it so slick I could hardly hang on to it. Then I get that stuff all over my hands, and they're slick and greasy the rest of the day.

As for wax, I've been using Maguiars (sp) Gold for several years. It's very easy to apply and remove, and leaves a mirror finish. One wax job will usually last up to 6 months with that stuff, and it doesn't leave those annoying "wax scratches" when you drive through the brush like some other products do.

I believe Best Top makes a protectant for the soft top. You might try looking at their website, or at 4wd.com for it.
I am an armor all fan but as sparky was saying keep it off the steering wheel. When I bought my TJ the dealership gave me a soft top cleaner and it works great. Its the generic DC soft top cleaner. Last time I ran out the dealership just gave me another one. I would try asking for it. It cant cost them too much in the scheme of things. I get a little negligent on the waxing. I have a can of that Turtle shell stuff that comes out once or twice a year and seems to go a good job. The TJ doesnt stay that clean anyways.

I like the interior to be nice and clean, but I like the exterior to be covered with mud... Now, if it is covered with a layer of good solid mud, I will keep it that way as long as possible... I like it covered with mud, sort of says "this jeep gets used"... Now, if it is just road dust, or water spotting from rain, I don't like that, looks silly... Or if the mud has been mostly rained off... Being that this is the off-season around here for wheeling right now, Jeepy stays clean... I like it either really really muddy, or nice and shiny, nothing in between... But the interior stays clean, to the best of my ability...
Re: RE: Oil leak Diff. near wheel

judge09 said:
I am an armor all fan but as sparky was saying keep it off the steering wheel.

And the leather seats....nearly slid out from under the seat belt a few times, too! :lol:
The only thing I ever used armor all for was when this guy Wayne invited himself on a road trip to New York. I armorall'ed the back vinyl seat of my old Malibu wagon and we cracked up as he slid all over the place around every turn. We could have just told him no but the prank was much better.