how to.... go muddin (or wheelin... whatever you call it)


New member
Alrite... I go to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA and I have an English paper to write. I have chosen to write it on "How to go Muddin". The points I am covering are "How to prepare your jeep" like what size tires are best.... what amt. of lift.... lockers vs. no lockers.... the benefits of a winch... the essentials to have just in case.... all that kind of stuff and my other point is "What do you need to know".... whether that be safety wise... what's fun to do when muddin... how to drive successfully... what to watch out for so you don't get stuck up... what to watch out for with the jeep to know your not screwing it up. I know some stuff, but it's always good and it makes it easier to get many expert opinions... any advice would be appreciated.... thanks in advance!!!!


Glad to help, but narrow it down to one question per post and things will got a lot easier, for you and us.
i agree... we're all here to help you out... but if we covered it all in one post... we'd all be writing our own essay as a post
addition to "how to go muddin" 2

First question first. "How to go Muddin?" Find a place it doesn´t show or won´t last. Cow pastures are a no no. But a freshly harvested corn field, would hardly be noticed. Farm roads arn´t a bad choice, the tractors will erase your tracks. Flood control areas, that flood regularly, will wash away all trace. An active marsh or a pristine stream, causes me pain even to contemplate. Just an oppinion, but mudding doesn´t hurt forest much, it actually accelerates natural processes, things grow faster after the soil has been turned. Holes dug by vehicles are habitat for amphibians. Muddy areas on slopes are to be avoided, if there isn´t an existing road. Your tire tracks could be the next errosion gully.
Got lost in the marsh trails, by the Jacksonville river, middle of the night (three in the morning) found what looked to be a way out (a light in the distance) and got stuck on a freshly mowed lawn. Turned out to be the 9th hole of the local golf course, saturday morning, most all of the politicians and civic leaders had to postpone there saturday golf. Really thought they were gonna hang me (showed a picture of my muddy Jeep in a local paper) , finally let me off with a fine and damages, that took three years to pay off. Young and stupid, stupidity will get you in trouble.
1971, young and dumb. I still receive an occasioanal golf ball for Christmas or my birthday. Some things people never forget.
Check out the following website:

This guy covers all of the basics; recovery straps, getting unstuck, fjording water, etc. Plus some of the advanced topics; winches, driveshafts, axle and gear ratios.

When I first got my Jeep, this was one of the first websites I went to for information.