Hot weather -> Air conditioning woes


New member
Does anyone know EXACTLY where the drain for the air conditioning would be on my 91' Jeep Cherokee???? (pictures perhaps... i spent an hour trying to find it last night)

It's currently leaking out of a screw hole on the bottom side of the plastic duct work onto my floor mat.

Is that common? I was thinking about putting some sillycon (silicon) on the seams and holes throughout the duct work, but I'm still thinking that the exit hole has sh*t in it.

I would GREATLY appreciate anyone who could help me!!!!!!!

RE: Elliptical suspensions

Hmmm... I know where it is on my '00, not sure on a '91... I will try to check on my roomie's '95, think the setup should be the same. I'll let ya know if I can find it. I THINK, at least, on my '00, it's a black rubber creature coming out of the firewall, in the engine compartment, passenger side, underneath the silver collection canister, though that may be something entirely unrelated.
Does anyone know what.........

It's gonna be hard to find, but my 90 is on the pass/side firewall below the coolant tank. Just a small hose sticking out with a 45 degree down.

Likley trash, mud, or the like plugging it up. a coat hanger with the end curled up cleaned mine out. If you can't find it, you might try drilling a tiny 5/16 hole in the plastic box, make sure to only pentrate 1/4 inch, and take shop air at 60psi with a rubber tipped blow gun and hit it a few times. the air should be forced out of the drain tube.
RE: New Tires

Another possibility is it is in the passenger side frame rail (it is on my 95 ZJ). You have to cut a small hole in the frame to get to it.