Horrible news


New member

My dads business got broken into just the other day and my dad is so depressed.Three of his computers got stolen.Insurance is covering this stuff but the sad part is,he keeps all his stuff on his main computer.My dad had five years of work on that computer.He is so bummed out because he is really busy right know and lost all of his information on his current jobs.He cant sleep at night and is always sad.I wish there was somthing I could do.But theres nothing I can do.Keep him in your prayers because he is in a lot of stress. Thanks guys Sully[addsig]


Prayers are coming form me and mine. Sorry to hear my friend. tug[addsig]

We shall say a few for all of your family. And he's a lucky man to have a family that is so caring, you are doing a lot for him in just sharing this with us. Good Luck and remember waht goes around comes around.. OlllllO[addsig]


Hey brother you will be in our TEXAS prayers
and tell him to keep his chin up........ :-D [addsig]

Sorry hear this Sully. This is just a small inconvenience. Material things are just that, things. Tell him to not worry about it and concentrate on rebuilding. Now that you kow things can happen with stuff stored in computers, help him create a system that will allow him to access records or whtever he had on his computers from another place. Hope you and your Dad feel better about it and just look on the bright side, nobody got physically hurt. -Al[addsig]

Sorry to hear the bad news. You could buy him a cd burner so he can burn all his info from now on ten he will have back up for everything in the future. I know it doesnt help for what is already lost but atleast he doesnt have to worry about it again. Good Luck ;-) [addsig]


...and on the bright side, he can now just put only the stuff into the computers that he needs. My computer got a virus once that killed everything. In the end, it wasn't so bad cause I got to scale back on a lot of stuff and simplify things. Plus, it's a great excuse to get re-aquainted with people you may have not have had contact with in a while when updating records and stuff. :) [addsig]

Sorry to hear that bro. People that do that type of stuff really suck. I hope thay catch thoes punk's. Good luck to you and your dad.

edited by: JE420EP, Jun 26, 2003 - 01:15 AM[addsig]

Sorry to hear that, I hate a thief, had my alpine system in the jeep 3 days, got ripped off at the grocery store, I feel your pain and our prayers go out to your dad. :-x :-x

edited by: monsterrd, Jun 25, 2003 - 09:22 PM[addsig]


sorry to hear about everything that happened to your dad but backing up important files is a must on the computer. At work we actually use the Philips external harddrive. Its 80 GB just about everything you want can fit on there and you can have a couple docking stations so you can easily transfer data. Plus with an external harddrive you can unplug it and keep it in a separate building in case of fire. I think they only cost around $100. A must if you have important files on your computer. I keep my stuff backed up in 3 different places. If you have any questions about it let me know... I would be glad to help.

edited by: judge09, Jun 26, 2003 - 08:36 AM[addsig]

Sorry to hear what happened. I wil keep you guys in mind the next time I catch a thief. :evil: [addsig]