Hi-flow water pump


New member
Anyone every try one of the Hi-Flow or Hi-Cool water pumps? Have a slight heating problem when I am on the interstate and get my ol'girl up around 70. Would one of the thermostats they sell at Quadratec help? I cannot remember the name of the thermostat right off hand.


mmm, maybe you should try replacing the thermostat first. Swing by Autozone and get yourself a new one. Heck, you may even try one that will open up at a lower temp. I would definetely try this first before spending all that money. Also, try and get the thermostat that fails when open. This will ceartainly help once it fails, becuse it won't stay closed, and will allow you do keep driving without damaging your engine.-al
Hi 1981CJ5
The lower radiator hose area can cause many vehicle owners to part with much $$$ trying to problem solve cooling problems - have a look-see at this area - the hose could be collapsing while your bombing down the interstate. Water can actually balloon it closed inside and you won't even know it. Most lowers have a spring in them to prevent the dreaded collapse but it can still happen towards the ends where the spring doesn't continue. Water gets in-between 2 layers of rubber (think cross sectional of the hose) and causes the hose to become "pregnant" and can restrict the water flow tremendously. You've seen bubbles on the outside of tires before (broken cords). Think of that bubble on the inside of the lower hose - big restriction. Funny how most overheating problems occur at low speeds and a lack of air-flow through the radiator....yours sounds totally opposite and that could lead to the lower hose. A collapsed hose usually will not hamper cooling at lower speeds but will at the higher ones when the water pump in in "turbo mode." Also pull the lower hose off and check the lower radiator outlet for a restriction from being kinked upward too much. My 77 & 79 V-8s have a hell of a restriction because they are angled upward for clearance issues. Nothing like decreasing the water flow a good 50-70%, and that was from the factory like that! Check the fan belt for tightness. At 70 the drag the water pump is creating is huge and who says that we always hear the belt slipping - especially at 70. Ain't troubleshooting a hoot guys!!!! LBR

I do not know the cause. I changed all of the hoses and thermostat last July and flushed the radiator well also. I have retarded the timing a hair thinking that this was the cause.

Here is my problem, in the morning here in Louisiana lately, it is around 40-50 degrees. She does OK in the mornings, heats up to around 190 and after a little while of driving she settles in at 190 steady.

In the afternoons on the way home, the temp has been around 50 degrees, this is when the problem occurs. She starts out doing well, about 190 and below. After about 15 minutes of driving at 65 or 70mph, she begins to push the 195 mark and threatens to go higher.

Am I just being paranoid or what? What temp does everyone elses CJ stay at? Is 200 degrees OK? Guess I am just nervous of torching my engine.

Thanks for all the help. Joel
Well, it sounds normal to me. You probably have a thermostat that open up at 195. I wouldn't worry about it unless it starts going above this temp. (200+)-al
Your guage could be off a little or the sending unit could be starting to go. I wuld not worry to much unless it starts to go over 200. Heck my guage reads 210 all the time. I put another guage under the hood to test out mine and found that it was off. It never used to be, but for some reason these things change. It's a jeep thing nobody understands :lol:

LED headlights???

It's normal, I run 210 all the time. Had my thermostat set at 210 to kick my electric fan on.
Put in a 180 degree thermostat, I had a 195 and was experiencing the same problems, now it runs fine. And dont waste your money on a hi flow pump, just use a stock replacement that is 1/3 the price. In fact, you can even retrofit the hi flow pump disc onto a stock pump for around 5 or 10 bucks.