Help my buddy win the Miss USA pageant!


New member
RE: plugs and wires

Hey guys, my friend Jacque Deaner is in the running for the Miss USA pageant in Baltimore. She's, Miss New Mexico.

Great gal, but we are a smaller state, so less population means less "Hometown" votes.

Will you please help her by going to: and voting for her? The girls with the most votes automatically get into the final 15. You have to get on and answer some info about make up (yeah I know, like a bunch of jeeprs wear makeup) and then click on the girls you think should be in the top 10. 3 Categories, bikini, personality, and nightgown. Please vote in all, and then submit. It'd be a big help!

You should see her in a bikini...yikes!

By the way, did I mention she likes to fourwheel, and took my XJ over the biggest hill in El Paso? She's got a lead foot.

Attempted theft

are those real teeth?

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Attempted theft

<hoping Sunshine doesn't read this> Hubba hubba hubba!!!! </hope>

Mingez, from the pics I've seen, you sure don't seem to be lacking in arm candy!
"Best use of Rollcage" Winner...

I think I am making my next vacation a trip to NM to hang out with Mingez and friends.
RE: plugs and wires

When I read the title for the thread, I though you were talking about a dude!

(the word buddy)

RE: "Best use of Rollcage" Winner...

done! holy beauty pageant batman! I'm glad I don't have friends that hot. Hard to concentrate with that hangin around.
Mingez, way cool. I voted for your friend. I don't "do" beauty pagents but hey, she is a friend of a friend so to speak and I know it's hard work.

RE: "Best use of Rollcage" Winner...

Sparky-Watts said:
<hoping Sunshine doesn't read this> Hubba hubba hubba!!!! </hope>

Mingez, from the pics I've seen, you sure don't seem to be lacking in arm candy!

LOL, I wish she was MY arm candy. She's my friend Rene's fiance. I always tell him that he over-achieved and should hold onto her like grim death.

I think we need some more pics so I know I'm voting for the right person!! j/k!!
Mingez I couldnt vote they sayed voting was closed. I did vote for her in most photogenic. She is very pretty, and intelligent, I wish the best of luck to her. I put my daughter in the sunburst pagent this year, she loved it and placed second runner up. Maybe some day ill be asking for your votes for her.
Tell your friend ill be watching and crossing my fingers for her :wink:

Thanks for either voting or trying! She'll appreciate it. I'll send her a link of this thread in an email.

RE: Ouch... ow... ahhh!!!!

Pretty big, there aren't many hills, but they are quality.

RE: Re: RE: Ouch... ow... ahhh!!!!

mingez said:
You should see her in a bikini...yikes!

Yes, yes I would like to. :lol: :twisted: