

New member
hi...names mike...obviously...

from ohio...just outside dayton...a small town that things it's huge...wilmington...

87 wrangler that thinks it's female...always complainin about somethin...now it;s just a little metal in the oil pan...come on...get over it ya... :D

no...really...the engine is at the machine shop now...258...

i have a few questions that i will ask in the correct forum... :)

RE: extra extra read all about it

Welcome aboard!! Nice first post. :wink:

Look forward to hearing from ya!
Early YJ Rollbar

Welcome aboard. Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride the entire time. Thank you.
Wanted: 94 YJ Power Steering Stuff

Welcome aboard! Thought you were my brother, at first. His name's Mike and he's from Dayton - but he drive's a '95 (I think) 4 banger. I'll be heading through that way over Memorial Day, but don't think I'll have time to do any wheeling (interstates SUCK!!!!). But anyway, welcome the the "Z"!!

about myself...29 years old...aircraft mechanic for abx air...you may know the planes...yellow ones that say DHL on the side...or airborne express...

i grew up in mobile alabama...spent some time workin for various airlines up and down the united states...spent 2 years indothan alabama...then moved to here...ohio...

i was born in tampa florida...i don;t plan on goin back...

i'm not new to jeeps but i am new at them...if that makes sense...most of the others i;ve owned were alreadyu modified so i ask alot of questions about how to do things yet...

i don;t apoligize for my typoes...you'll have to learn to read through them...:)

and i uses an excessive amount of pereiods...
RE: Re: More stupid people in Salisbury

Good to have yet another member! Welcome from the Wheat State, the Sunflower State, the Heart of Tornado Alley!!!! Don't worry about the punctuation or grammar. I use way too many exlamation marks!!!! If I wasn't so anal about correcting my mistakes, you'd never be able to read my posts after I first wrote them!
Hi Mike

Welcome to Jeepz! I spent a month in Wilmington around 10 years ago or so for training at work (lineman apprenticeship). We stayed at some old army barracks on the airborne express property. That was one of the best times I've ever had. I'm trying to remember the names of the bars... I remember Deluca's Dugout... Ah, good times.

Anniversary time!!

things have changed in ten years...when you were hear last you probably werew tinessing the building of the second runway?...there is now asuper wal-mart at the end of the runway...another parking ramp for aircraft and 2 new parking lots for cars...2 billion more,,,maybe million i can;t remember...square feet of sort sapce...and soon to be a hotel on base...the alert hangars are gone...if you remember where they were...

there are a few more airlines (cargo) landing here now...

the town has grown quite a bit and will be growing even more...DHL bought the airport when they bouhg our parent company airborne express about 2 years ago...before years end i thin 4 airlines will be landing here...it;s grown a littel...

never heard of that bar...ive only been here 5 years next january...the manhatten i a bar in town...that's the only on ei know...i'm not much a bar goer honestly...

tornado alley...heh...yeah...learned that quick...
Greetings from farther up the I-75 :) Welcome to Jeepz, glad to have ya, hope you hang around for a while!
RE: Sup?

i feel like i'm a X-poster posting the same thing multiple times... its nice to have so many new comers

welcome mikey
RE: new here, howzit

Hey, I'm from Wilmington too......Wilmington, North Carolina that is!!



RE: oil drain plug

do they make enough dots for the bothe of us?