Has anyone put a supercharger on their TJ?


New member

I have 6,000 miles on my 03' TJ and am already looking for more power. Has anyone tried superchargers? How reliable are they? Any downsides? (I use my Jeep as my daily driver) Any extra engine wear? Anyone have any good links to supercharged TJ's sites? I'm sure its a good chunk of $$$ so I want to get educated on them before I even think about getting one. How about Turbos?

Somtime next year I will be getting a lift, a 4" Skyjacker with 33" tires (is that a a good combo?). With or without the supercharger, will I have to regear? I currently have a Sport with 4.0/5spd, 3.73 gears (Dana 44 in the rear, 35 up front), a limited slip, and 4 whl discs.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!:-)


edited by: montana_jeepn, Jul 17, 2003 - 11:08 AM[addsig]


you've got yourself a nice machine there... if you go 33's, you don't have to regear, but you will notice some drag, but nothing that you should end up crying over.[addsig]

You'll do fine with the 33" tires with the 4.0L auto and 3.73 gears, I've driven a buddies Jeep with the exact same setup. Offroad crawl speed is too high, so you need a regear if that's important, to say 4.56 gears. If you're already complaining about performance, you definately want to regear for 33" tires :lol:

Blowers run about $3000 for the Jeeps.[addsig]

Superchargers and turbo's put more wear on the motor.Also,if you are planning on doing any hard core mud bogging,I would recomend that you upgrade your cooling system.We had superchargers on a few of our gmc yukons and it gave at least 100 more hp but,the motor tends to get really hot really fast.We blew up one of our motors in a mud bog and it took weeks and lots of $$$ to repair.I would not recomend a supercharger.The motors never last for more than 60,000 miles.I would regear and if you still want more power,headers and exhost.[addsig]


If done correctly a supercharger will not have any adverse effects on a motor. Look how many buick grand nationals are still running around today! And the ones that have quit running are due to the fact that the turbos were of poor quality. With rebuilt turbos they'll run to 200K.
Avenger makes a supercharger
It gives the 4.0L 80 extra HP. SOunds great but its expensive-- $3000[addsig]

Thanks for the feedback! Going to hold off on the supercharger for right now (at least until I can afford to rebuild my engine every so often). Especially since I crushed a Grand Am on the Boulevard the other day.(had a scuff on my bumper, thats it!) Kind of hurt the pocket book. Thanks again!
